What You Need to Know about Electronic Wills

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By Megan Morrow

While most adults believe that wills are important, less than half of them actually have one, according to a recent survey, the chief reason being that “I have not gotten around to it yet.” Designed to make the process of creating a will easier and more accessible for all, electronic wills have previously required printing and signing on the dotted line in front of a witness. While e-signatures are common and widespread, e-notarization is not.

However, Indiana and Nevada have passed laws permitting e-signatures while Arizona and Florida are expected to adopt such legislation in 2020, with more states to follow. This sets the stage for expanded use of electronic wills that can be wholly completed online.

The Uniform Electronic Wills Act was adopted by the Uniform Law Commission to create a model for executing a will with online technology that other states can follow. In essence, those who wish to create an electronic will could do so online, then connect with a notary via video chat. The notary can talk with the individual and ask any pertinent questions before notarizing the will and returning it. The electronic will is constituted as valid, without the testator ever having to be in the physical presence of the notary.

Benefits of electronic wills include access, availability, convenience and simplicity. No matter where you live or what your schedule, you can create a valid will on your own time table.

Concerns with electronic wills center on fraud – particularly the possibility of undue influence or duress in the creation of the document. Likewise, without the advice of an attorney, individuals could use boilerplate wills that lack the details or specificity that their estate requires. A one-size-fits all will, naturally, will not work for everyone. Issues with revocation and storage also remain to be further determined.

At present, electronic wills might be ideal for younger people – only one in five Millennials have a will – or those with fewer assets and complications. With more states expected to adopt electronic will legislation in the coming years, options for online wills are anticipated to grow as well.

We want to hear from you

Do you have a topic suggestion for an article in a future issue of Sims Insights newsletter? We would love to hear from you. Share your ideas here.

The material presented here is for information purposes only and is not to be considered an offer to buy or sell any security. This report was prepared from sources believed to be reliable but it is not guaranteed as to accuracy and it is not a complete summary of statement of all available data. Information and opinions are current up to the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. The purchase and sale of securities should be conducted on an individual basis considering the risk tolerance and investment objective of each investor and with the advice and counsel of a professional advisor. The opinions expressed by Ms. Morrow are strictly her own and do not necessarily reflect those of Herbert J. Sims & Co., Inc. or their affiliates. This is not a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any particular investment. All investment involves risk and may result in a loss of principal. Investors should carefully consider their own circumstances before making any investment decision.

Twenty Trends to Anticipate in 2020

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By Megan Morrow

What will the next year bring? What will phase in and what fill fade out in 2020?

According to prognosticators across industries, the following twenty trends will top the charts in the upcoming year:

  1. The workforce will become more global: More people of all ages will move and migrate in search of new experiences and cultures.
  2. Mobile apps will continue to redefine industries: Apps will continue to provide convenience, customization and customer service across industries.
  3. “Enough-ism:” As opposed to consumerism, the concept of enough-ism insists that we already have enough and may need fewer things, less time at work and reduced expectations in order to enjoy a more satisfied and fulfilled life.
  4. More robots and artificial intelligence: Companies will seek to save more money by using more predictive technology to meet their customers’ evolving needs.
  5. Patience is no longer a virtue. As Amazon reduces its shipping time to near-instantaneous, customers are demanding fast service and faster delivery. More companies will find a way to meet this interest for consumers who want something “right now!”
  6. Businesses prioritize worker happiness. Companies are increasingly recognizing that happy employees are productive, long-term employees and are therefore, investing in programs and incentives to this end.
  7. Cloud health: As people seek to prevent chronic disease, personal mobile tools (housed within the Cloud), can deliver customized fitness and diet solutions designed for prevention and healing.
  8. Crowdfunding will get even more crowded. Crowdfunding platforms continue to explode as a means of funding new enterprises, supporting individuals in need and creating new partnerships. Expect even more crowding in the year to come.
  9. Cybersecurity will be a threat and a focus: Cyber-threats across industries continue to plague companies and their customers, who need their information to be safe and secure. Companies must continually update software and security planning efforts to prevent ongoing threats to cybersecurity.
  10. Menus meet health needs. Diners are in search of food that offers natural enhancement and health. More healthy substitutes and plant-based foods will make their mark, and restaurants and grocery stores will continue to serve customers interested in Paleo, keto, gluten-free and other specific diet trends.
  11. Recommendations are required. User reviews and recommendations from friends will be king in the year to come. Many consumers will not buy anything without first finding the right reviews.
  12. 5G is a high five. Changing how we interact online, 5G offers incredibly fast download speed and will expand to drones, smart vehicles and other applications.
  13. Mindfulness matters. To combat the stress of a busy life, meditation, yoga and other forms of mindfulness will continue to inspire people to slow down, breathe deeply and let go.
  14. Baby Boomers will retire while Millennials move into management. These generational trends will change the face and shape of the workforce for the future.
  15. Home design will be neutral and blue. A deep shade of blue and neutrals, as well as geometric patterns and the natural world, will inspire home design in 2020.
  16. The gig economy will grow. Workers love flexibility and the ability to freelance, further enhancing this already growing trend.
  17. Consumers become partners in their own health care. Rather than simply watching and absorbing, patients will become more active and aware in their overall health care.
  18. Voice is everywhere. Alexa, Google Assistant and their cousins become even smarter and more connected in homes, offices and on the go.
  19. Politics… You probably do not need an expert to tell you that the political scene in 2020 is expected to be contentious, engaging and memorable.
  20. Retirement planning is more important than ever. As legislation and individual needs evolve, it is critical to pay attention to your retirement plans. Naturally, the start of a new year is a great chance to connect with your advisor to discuss your plans going forward.

What are you looking forward to in 2020? Doubtless, you will enjoy trends and experiences for you own top-twenty list.

Contact an Advisor

Should you have any questions about this subject matter, contact your financial advisor to help navigate any challenges you may have. 

We want to hear from you

Do you have a topic suggestion for an article in a future issue of Sims Insights newsletter? We would love to hear from you. Share your ideas here.

The material presented here is for information purposes only and is not to be considered an offer to buy or sell any security. This report was prepared from sources believed to be reliable but it is not guaranteed as to accuracy and it is not a complete summary of statement of all available data. Information and opinions are current up to the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. The purchase and sale of securities should be conducted on an individual basis considering the risk tolerance and investment objective of each investor and with the advice and counsel of a professional advisor. The opinions expressed by Ms. Morrow are strictly her own and do not necessarily reflect those of Herbert J. Sims & Co., Inc. or their affiliates. This is not a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any particular investment. All investment involves risk and may result in a loss of principal. Investors should carefully consider their own circumstances before making any investment decision.

Market Commentary: Welcome to the Next in the Series of Roaring ’20’s

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Two hundred years ago in the Era of Good Feelings, Maine and Missouri were admitted to the Union, the Territory of Florida was ceded to the United States by Spain, the first train began operating over the Granite Railway in Massachusetts, the first camera photograph was taken in France and the first modern stock market crash occurred in London. President James Monroe delivered a speech to Congress in which he warned leaders in Europe that any future attempt to exert influence in the Western Hemisphere would be seen by the U.S. as a threat to its security. Due to an Electoral College stalemate in which none of the four Democratic-Republican candidates won a majority, the presidential election of 1824 was the first and only one in history decided in the House of Representatives under the 12th Amendment. John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts, became our sixth President after earning only 31% of the popular vote. His opponent, Andrew Jackson of the Carolinas, a former U.S. Army General and justice on the Tennessee Supreme Court who had served in both chambers of Congress, had the plurality of the popular vote at 41%, and eventually succeeded Adams in 1829. President Jackson opposed paper money and demanded that the government be paid in silver and gold coins. He believed that the central bank at that time, the Second Bank of the United States, lacked constitutional legitimacy and was a corrupt institution, dangerous to American liberties. He vetoed a bill re-chartering the bank and was re-elected on an anti-bank platform.

One hundred years ago during the decade of the Roaring Twenties, communism and fascism spread in Europe, the U.S. placed harsh restrictions on immigration, and prohibition took effect. Republican Warren Harding of Ohio campaigned for a “return to normalcy” after World War I and won 60% of the popular vote and 404 votes in the presidential election of 1920, the first in which women had the right to vote in all 48 states. “Winnie’s” Vice President, Republican Calvin Coolidge of Massachusetts, won every state outside of the south in the 1924 race for the Oval Office but chose not to run for re-election. “Silent Cal’s” Republican Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover of California, became the first president born west of the Mississippi River when he gained 444 electoral votes and 58% of the popular vote. The Electoral Colleges at the time were heavily influenced by certain gridlock in Congress. For the only time in American history, legislators failed to agree on a reapportionment plan following the 1920 Census. Representatives from rural districts were fearful of losing power to the cities, and worked to delay and block consideration of the required enabling legislation. So, the distribution of Congressional seats from the 1910 Census remained in effect for 23 years. The decade ended — as we know — with the Wall Street Crash of 1929.

January 1, 2020, marked the start of a new decade in this century, but we are clearly linked to the ’20s of our past. On the economic front, our economy continues to roar and its powerful engine, the consumer, feels good despite concerns for the intensifying conflict with Iran and rising food and gas prices. We are in a presidential election year where the Electoral College may once again produce results that differ from the popular vote. The composition of the College will change if Congress approves reapportionment this December based on some of the significant population shifts that have occurred; as a result of this decennial Census, Florida is likely to receive several new U.S. House seats at the expense of California, Illinois, New York and/or Minnesota. We live in an era of major threats to our security and the President has an emerging doctrine. The central bank has become a real lightning rod for him, but his Treasury Department delivers approximately 21 million paper notes a day to the Federal Reserve. The price of gold increased from $19.39 in 1820 and $20.67 in 1920 to $1,575.80 per ounce today.

Not everything was worth a cheer at the start of the New Year. Over the course of the last decade, student debt increased by 108%, auto loan debt climbed by 82%, credit card debt was up by 10.8% and mortgage debt rose 6.7%. The federal debt stood at $23 trillion, and the budget deficit for FY19 exceeded $984 billion. Global debt topped $250 trillion, more than three times the combined gross domestic product. The Fed held $4.1 trillion of assets and the collective balance sheet assets of the Fed, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan and Bank of England totaled 35.9% of their nation’s GDPs. The investor’s Wall of Worry included geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and North Korea, political polarization at home, trade conflicts with China, political and fiscal policies in Europe, market volatility, a virtual rolling impeachment process, natural disasters, corporate and municipal defaults leading to massive fund redemptions, price cuts and market illiquidity, regulatory and legislative uncertainty, underfunded pensions and other post-employment benefits.

The last decade ended with champagne and fireworks-filled celebrations by those in the stock and bond markets. The U.S. enjoyed 120 consecutive months of expansion, and states reported nine consecutive years of revenue gains. For the first time in 70 years, we became a net exporter of petroleum. Unemployment at 3.50% was at a 50-year low, well below the 9.70% reported in January of 2010. The number of unemployed persons per job opening was 0.8 versus 5.8 in 2009 and the labor force participation rate for prime age workers (25-64) was 82.8%, the highest in 10 years. The S&P 500 Index gained 30% last year and the Bloomberg Barclays Bond Index rose 15%. Investors rode out unprecedented monetary interventions, negative interest rate policies which produced a high of $18 trillion of negative yielding sovereign bonds, algorithmic trading, artificial intelligence, cloud technology, cyberattacks, the introduction of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, sovereign near-defaults, major changes in tax and health care laws, taper tantrums, debt ceiling and government shutdown crises, power shifts in the Congress and White House, media-induced frenzies over the prospect of higher rates, recession and widespread municipal defaults. Investing has been made easier with online access, index funds, robo-advisors and zero-commission trends. During the past decade, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 18,110 points and the Nasdaq Composite Index rose 6,703 points. Oil prices fell $18.30 a barrel while gold prices rose $281 an ounce. The 10-year Treasury yield decreased by 192 basis points from 3.83% to 1.91% and the spread between the 2-year and 10-year shrank from 270 basis points to 35 basis points. The 10-year Baa-rated corporate bond benchmark fell 221 basis points from 5.91% to 3.70%. Bond market volatility, as measured by the CBOE/CBOT US Treasury Note Volatility Index, declined from 7.01 to 4.13.

In the municipal bond sector, the 10-year AAA municipal general obligation bond yield plummeted by 156 basis points from 3.00% to 1.44% between 2010 and 2019. The spreads between 2-year and 10-year yields narrowed from 242 basis points to 40 basis points. The slope of the yield curve has rarely been so flat since 1964. Issuance exceeded $400 billion four times during the decade, including $421 billion in 2019. Last year, there were $90 billion of net inflows into muni mutual funds over 51 consecutive weeks, and throughout the past decade, investors have added a net of $366 billion, increasing assets to $803 billion. Demand for tax-exempts was predictably highest in the high-tax states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California and Massachusetts. Returns for the year averaged about 7.74%, with high yield and long-dated bonds reporting some of the best returns. Taxable municipal bond issuance doubled last year to $67 billion, primarily due to the number of advance refundings under the 2018 tax laws. The 30-year AAA rated taxable municipal bond benchmark closed the year at 3.20%, which looked mighty attractive versus the German 30-year sovereign yield which finished the year at 0.349%, the French at 0.922%, and the Italian at 2.465%.

U.S. fixed income markets total $41 trillion with $906 billion of bonds traded daily and annual issuance approximating $8.1 trillion in 2019. There are approximately $15.9 trillion of U.S. Treasuries, $9.4 trillion of corporate bonds, and $3.8 trillion of municipal bonds outstanding. $602 billion of Treasuries, $11 billion of municipals, and $35 billion of corporates are traded every day. Monthly issuance in 2019 averaged $234 billion for governments, $124 billion for corporates and $34 billion for munis. U.S. equities have a $30 trillion market capitalization, with 6.8 billion shares traded daily and $228 billion of underwriting activity.

Despite all the failed forecasts for 2019, economists and analysts of all stripes have looked into the crystal ball and made their predictions for 2020; some have dared to go out as far as five years. The predictable wild cards are central bank policy mistakes, Brexit surprises, convention and election outcomes, Census surprises, recession, weather-related disasters, oil price shocks, debt crises, trade war escalation and market corrections. In the municipal bond sector this year, we expect issuance to exceed $410 billion with perhaps $120 billion of refundings, and $85 billion of taxables. At least $288 billion of bonds will mature or are scheduled to be called and redemption totals are bound to grow with advance refundings. We have seen projections for the 10-year AAA muni yield to end the year as low as 0.8%. At this writing, the 10-year yield stands at 1.34% and the calendar for this first full week of January is estimated at $9 billion.

We welcome everyone back from the holidays and encourage you to share your predictions, interests and concerns with our sales, trading and banking staff this month. In the interim, we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2020.

Steps for Life Boca Raton!

Please help us support Gift of Life’s annual Steps for Life 5k run/walk and Superhero Kids race, which will be held at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

We invite you to join the HJ Sims’ team!

Registration is only $30; Register today! If you are unable to join, please consider supporting Gift of Life with a monetary donation; your donation is tax-deductible.

We also encourage you to please join the registry to help save a life!

CSR Spotlight Newsletter

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For news about our employee’s support of charities in their respective communities, please read our CSR Spotlight Newsletter.

The HJ Sims team places value on helping to make the world a better place. We contribute to our communities via our Corporate Social Responsibility program, an initiative that focuses staff volunteer efforts and contributions to non-profit, charitable organizations. Please learn more by visiting: www.hjsims.com/servingourcommunities. For questions or submissions, please email Tara at [email protected].

The Upside of Aging

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By Megan Morrow

Yes, you will have “senior moments.” And true, your short-term memory may start to fade, and aches and pains may last longer. Yet, many older Americans are discovering that there is a true upside to aging, from relationships to wisdom to free programs and tax benefits.

If you tend to brush your birthday aside or worry about the number of candles on your cake, it might be time to focus on the benefits of getting older, which can include:

  • Happiness! Older people tend to be happier. Studies show that most people are unhappiest in their 40s and 50s as they face stressors from work and family and that happiness increases as middle age passes. Happier people are also healthier, more productive and more aware of what they have.
  • Seniors are better at navigating emotions. They tend to learn how to manage social conflicts, with the abilities to imagine alterative points of view and work out compromises. What bothers someone in their 20s hardly makes a blip on the radar of someone a few decades older, according to studies.
  • Financial perks such as guaranteed minimum income, Social Security, Medicare and senior discounts. Programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid can support seniors with health insurance and a safety net. Likewise, special senior discounts can provide incentives for getting out, exploring new things and staying engaged.
  • Seniors are more likely to be involved. From politics to volunteering, seniors often have more time to participate in activities and organizations that matter to them. One in four seniors volunteers actively, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and those over the age of 65 report the highest voting rate of any age group.

While stereotypes about aging persist, more people of all ages are recognizing the beauty of getting older and wiser. We also know that attitude goes a long way: Participants in a study on aging who had a positive attitude about the process also showed enhanced cognition, one more reason to focus on the upsides of aging.

No matter what your age, it is important to maintain relationships and connections with people of diverse ages and backgrounds and to cultivate a positive mindset.

We want to hear from you

Do you have a topic suggestion for an article in a future issue of Sims Insights newsletter? We would love to hear from you. Share your ideas here.

The material presented here is for information purposes only and is not to be considered an offer to buy or sell any security. This report was prepared from sources believed to be reliable but it is not guaranteed as to accuracy and it is not a complete summary of statement of all available data. Information and opinions are current up to the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. The purchase and sale of securities should be conducted on an individual basis considering the risk tolerance and investment objective of each investor and with the advice and counsel of a professional advisor. The opinions expressed by Ms. Morrow are strictly her own and do not necessarily reflect those of Herbert J. Sims & Co., Inc. or their affiliates. This is not a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any particular investment. All investment involves risk and may result in a loss of principal. Investors should carefully consider their own circumstances before making any investment decision.

HJ Sims Provides Seed Capital for New University Related Life Plan Community


DECEMBER 19, 2018

CONTACT: Tara Perkins, Assistant Vice President | 203-418-9049 | [email protected]

HJ Sims Provides Seed Capital for New University Related Life Plan Community

FAIRFIELD, CT– HJ Sims (Sims), a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm founded in 1935, is pleased to announce the successful $15,000,000 financing in October 2018 for Broadview Senior Living at Purchase College, a Life Plan Community under development in Purchase New York. Broadview will be located on the campus of Purchase College, a public four-year college of visual and performing arts, liberal arts and sciences, founded in 1967 and one of the 13 colleges of the State University of New York (SUNY) system.

Known for its arts programs and home of the Neuberger Museum of Art and The Performing Arts Center, Purchase continually attracts the local community to its campus. In 2003, the President of Purchase assembled a task force to determine how to best fulfill the college’s commitment to lifelong learning. A plan was formulated for the development of a senior residential community to be located on a 40-acre leased parcel of the campus and focused on intergenerational and lifelong learning. Broadview will initially consist of 220 independent living apartments and villas, 18 assisted living beds, 16 memory care beds and amenity space with room for potential expansion in later years. Twenty percent of the units will be set aside for residents earning below 80% of the local median income.

The Purchase College Foundation Housing Corporation provided $5 million to fund initial costs. An estimated $15 million will be required before permanent financing, anticipated to occur within three years. As a community under development with no operating history, financing was a challenge. Sims structured a five-year, $15 million Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) issue to fund the remaining costs. In a BANs issue, interest payments are not paid currently but with proceeds of the permanent financing.

With little collateral and repayment contingent on obtaining permanent financing, these are speculative bonds which limits potential investors. Following close cooperation with management and development teams, Sims secured the required financing commitment with an experienced institutional investment fund. Sims’ Private Client Group sold approximately $4 million to individual investors, despite a $100,000 minimum investment. Sims closed on the $15 million tax-exempt BAN issue with an interest rate 11%. Sims expects to provide up to $325 million for the construction and permanent financing of Broadview.

“The Sims team, especially Andrew Nesi, has been like a partner since we started this venture and guided us along the way. Importantly, they’ve really believed in us and the vision of creating a unique senior learning community at Purchase. We’re grateful for their hard work and professionalism in successfully securing our pre-development funding and looking forward to continuing to work with them through permanent financing,” said Wayne Rush, Vice President and Project Manager, Purchase Senior Learning Corporation.

For Financed Right® solutions, contact: Andrew Nesi at 203-418-9057 | [email protected].

ABOUT HJ SIMS: Founded in 1935 on Wall Street, HJ Sims is a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm with $2.2 billion of assets under management. HJ Sims is known as one of the country’s oldest underwriters of tax-exempt and taxable bonds, having raised $25+ billion for projects throughout the US. The firm is headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut, with nationwide investment banking, private client wealth management and trading locations. HJ Sims is not affiliated with Purchase College, Broadview or Purchase Senior Living Corporation. Visit www.hjsims.com/ourstory. Investments involve risk, including the possible fluctuation of principal. Member FINRA, SIPC. Follow HJ Sims on FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter.

HJ Sims Partners with Duncan-Williams to Finance Start-up Construction of The Farms at Bailey Station, an RCA Community

CONTACT: Tara Perkins, Assistant Vice President, Marketing Communications, HJ Sims | 203-418-9049 | [email protected]

Michelle Vincent, Retirement Companies of America | 901-794-2598 | [email protected]

Gary Lendermon, Duncan-Williams, Inc. | 901-260-6847 | [email protected]

 HJ Sims Partners with Duncan-Williams to Finance Start-up Construction of The Farms at Bailey Station, an RCA Community

FAIRFIELD, CT—HJ Sims (Sims) is pleased to announce the completion of a $219,250,000 financing for the new construction of The Farms at Bailey Station (The Farms), a Life Plan Community (LPC), located in Collierville, TN. The Farms is a sister community of Kirby Pines Estates (Kirby), located in Memphis, TN, which was voted Best Retirement Community in Memphis and the Mid-South. The Farms is designed to offer city and country living within a luxurious setting. With customizable homes, a menu of amenities, and the security of covered long-term care, The Farms will offer residents effortless, elegant living. Kirby and The Farms are run by Retirement Communities of America (RCA), a mission-driven organization with a 35+-year legacy of faith-based caring.

Duncan-Williams, Inc. (Duncan) served as co-manager on the financing. Founded in 1969, Duncan is a full-service broker dealer and nationally recognized investment banking firm headquartered in TN. The Farms is 70% pre-sold. Rees Architects and Renaissance Group served as architects; Dalhoff Thomas design studio of Memphis assisted as landscape architect. Linkous served as general contractor.

“The Farms has been a labor of love. RCA assembled a team that worked tirelessly toward a successful closing. The Sims team brought expertise, creativity, commitment and flawless execution with Duncan-Williams, and Greystone Communities. The team took a personal interest, and was sensitive and responsive to the complexities of the project and the desires of our Board Members. They successfully facilitated the financing and delivered a favorable rate structure, while with the Sims and Duncan-Williams team executed placement of the bonds masterfully,” Michelle Trammell-Vincent, Senior Vice President, RCA.

Sims structured a 40-year financing to lower annual debt service (the only 2019 senior living financing with this amortization length). The financing included non-rated, fixed rate bonds and bank purchased draw-down bonds for the independent living apartments, assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing portion of the project. The Community also obtained a bank revolving credit facility for the garden home portion of the community. Involving banks saved the project $6+ million in carried interest. Sims structured a Liquidity Support Agreement and Coverage Support Agreement to enhance credit and security for investors. Sims and Duncan placed the bonds with 20 institutional investors and $17+ million with accredited individual investors.

“We were honored to work with The Farms to provide its complete financing. The LPC will be the most up-to-date in its market and will be a beautifully landscaped campus of garden homes, apartments, assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing,” William Sims, CEO and Managing Principal, Sims.

Chauncey Lever of Foley Lardner LLP, John Stevens of Iberia Bank, Charlie Trammell and Michelle of Retirement Companies of America, David Williams of Butler Snow LLP, Jimmy Rester of HJ Sims, Michael Bradshaw of Butler Snow LLP, and Abe Benavides of McCall, Parkhurst & Horton LLP.

Financed Right® solutions: James Rester at 214-558-7175 or [email protected]

ABOUT HJ SIMS: Founded in 1935 on Wall Street, HJ Sims is a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm. HJ Sims is known as one of the country’s oldest underwriters of tax-exempt and taxable bonds, having raised $28+ billion for projects throughout the US. The firm is headquartered in Fairfield, CT, with nationwide investment banking, private wealth management and trading locations. Visit www.hjsims.com/ourstory. Investments involve risk, including the possible fluctuation of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. HJ Sims is not affiliated with Duncan-Williams, RCA or The Farms at Bailey Station. Member FINRA, SIPC. Follow HJ Sims: FacebookLinkedInInstagram and Twitter.

Axxcess Platform Announces Partnership with HJ Sims

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HJ SIMS: Tara Perkins, AVP Marketing Communications, [email protected] | 203-418-9049

AXXCESS PLATFORM: Alexis Brock, Marketing and Communications, [email protected] | 866-217-5607


FAIRFIELD, CT— Axxcess Platform (Axxcess), an enterprise turnkey asset management platform, announced today a partnership with HJ Sims, a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm headquartered in Fairfield, CT. HJ Sims and Axxcess have partnered  to deliver a suite of portfolio management technology for the HJ Sims private client wealth management team.

“We are thrilled about partnering with HJ Sims to equip their team with our asset management solution to help them continue to deliver a rich client experience. We are confident the HJ Sims team will find incredible value in our platform, which offers the tools and resources needed in one technology stack, further optimizing their client management approach,” says Michael Seid, CEO of Axxcess.

Founded in 1935 on Wall Street, HJ Sims is entrusted with $2.3 billion of assets under management. Herbert J. Sims, founder, was an innovative and revolutionary thinker with an imaginative and pioneering spirit. During the Great Depression, Herbert recognized opportunity to create jobs and support important infrastructure, such as county roads, natural gas systems, and bridges and causeways, through municipal financings. Today, HJ Sims supports individual investors, organizations, municipalities and institutions with expert wealth management, trading services and investment banking solutions.

HJ Sims will utilize the Axxcess platform as an end-to-end portfolio management tool, allowing their wealth management experts to serve their clients’ financial needs with a seamless and scalable approach–including aggregating accounts, identifying risk, analyzing holdings, modelling and blending investment strategies, and accessing third-party directed solutions.

“Partnering with Axxcess by incorporating their customized technology and sophisticated interface via a first-class portfolio management tool will help our advisory team deepen their client relationships. The comprehensive technology platform provided by Axxcess empowers us to revolutionize our client experience with open architecture and access to best in breed money managers,” said Dan Mullane, Managing Principal of HJ Sims.


Axxcess integrates third party investment managers alongside real estate, private equity, and hedged investments to create a unique UMA/TAMP Platform to transform your Wealth Management practice. The Axxcess Platform is built for the experienced Advisor looking to improve its current RIA Platform, or as an operational solution for a high caliber professional thinking of going independent and seeking a seamless transition. We offer Advisors open architecture, with a full array of wealth management and investment advisory services to move your practice upstream. Axxcess combines true alternatives like private equity, private credit, hedge funds and directed real estate alongside traditional SMA strategies.

Our focus is on 3c(1) and 3c(7) clients and the Advisors that serve them. If you are interested in providing a platform of services designed to move your business upscale, Axxcess is your solution. Contact: 866-217-5607 |https://axxcessplatform.com/


Founded in 1935 on Wall Street, HJ Sims is a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm. HJ Sims is known as one of the country’s oldest underwriters of tax-exempt and taxable bonds, having raised $28+ billion for projects throughout the US. The firm is headquartered in Fairfield, CT, with nationwide investment banking, private wealth management and trading locations. Visit www.hjsims.com/ourstory. Visit www.hjsims.com/ourstory. Follow HJ Sims on FacebookLinkedInInstagram and Twitter.

Investments involve risk, including the possible fluctuation of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. HJ Sims is not affiliated with Axxcess Wealth Management. Member FINRA, SIPC.

Understanding TPAs-the Transfer of Physical Assets

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Originating and underwriting HUD-insured loans for multifamily and healthcare projects is Sims Mortgage Funding’s primary activity, but sometimes our experience and success in that space leads us to other business opportunities. Such was the case earlier this month when Sims Mortgage Funding, Inc. (“SMF”) completed two consulting assignments in connection with the sales by our clients of two nursing homes in New Jersey and a hospital in California.

Both transactions involved the assumption of six existing HUD-insured loans that we originated in 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2017 and are spread across the three properties. Yes, HUD has an acronym to describe that process – TPA, which stands for Transfer of Physical Assets.

Under a TPA, HUD and the lender servicing the loan effectively “underwrite” the purchaser who becomes the new borrower on the assumed debt. Part of that process is to analyze the background, qualifications, and experience of the purchaser; the financial and operational projections of the property after the sale; and, the transfer of assets and discharge of liabilities at closing. SMF provided technical assistance in the development of the TPA applications relating to the new borrowers and helped shepherd the proposals through the HUD approval process and on to closings.

With the TPAs now completed, HUD has two new and accomplished healthcare organizations in their insured loan portfolio, and the borrowers have assumed long-term, fixed rate, non-recourse loans at competitive interest rates.

Subsidiaries of Hackensack-Meridian Health, the largest hospital system in New Jersey, acquired interests in Prospect Heights Care Center, a 196-bed nursing home in Hackensack, New Jersey, and West Caldwell Care Center, a 180-bed nursing home in West Caldwell, New Jersey.

On the west coast, a subsidiary of AHMC Healthcare acquired Parkview Community Hospital Medical Center, a 193-bed acute care facility in Riverside, California. AHMC, a for-profit organization, owns and operates seven “safety net” hospitals in Southern California. The two loans AHMC is assuming on Parkview will be their first HUD-insured loans – we certainly hope that they will not be their last!

Good News from HUD Multifamily and Hospital Programs

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HUD mortgage insurance covers a wide variety of real estate, ranging from multifamily housing to nursing homes and assisted living to acute care hospitals. Moreover, the programs cover construction, renovations, expansions, acquisitions, and refinancing. There are three separate mortgage insurance platforms to deliver all of this goodness: Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP); LEAN for senior care facilities; and the Office of Hospital Facilities (OHF). Each platform has its own underwriting requirements, eligibility standards and policy directives, so changes in one of the platforms does not necessarily affect the others. SMF is active across all three platforms, so we keep close tabs on new developments that might make the programs more competitive or enhance lending opportunities. We have good news to report!

In the multifamily space, HUD recently took a major step forward to enable grant-funded Section 202 elderly housing, commonly known as Project Rental Assistance Projects, or PRACs to access much-needed capital. There are approximately 2,800 PRACs nationwide that currently have limited, if any, means to finance capital improvements, and with many of the properties over 20 years old, the situation has become critical. HUD has been working on a solution, and recently released for public comment a draft notice that will amend its popular Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program to include PRACs. The comment period ended in March, so we expect the final notice to be issued shortly. A key element to the RAD for PRAC program will be the issuance of long-term Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contracts that should provide a stable source of revenue to support debt incurred for capital repairs and building improvements. Will the Section 8 rents under these new contracts be sufficient for this purpose? As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. We can assist PRAC owners preliminarily estimate borrowing capacity based on the draft notice – contact us for additional information and a preliminary analysis.

The Office of Hospital Facilities (OHF) does not have the level of activity of its MAP and LEAN counterparts, but it provides an alternative source of capital for creditworthy hospitals who otherwise might not be able to access the tax-exempt bond markets or conventional financing with the same ease and cost of capital as their more-stronger competitors. HUD-insured hospital loans have 25-year, fully amortizing maturities, fixed-rates of interest and are assumable and pre-payable under a variety of structures. Moreover, loans can be up to 90% of a project’s replacement cost, and in cases involving rehabilitation or additions, 100% of the project costs can be financed. In an effort to attract more business, OHF recently announced some upcoming changes that will facilitate and expedite their review process, lessen burdensome application requirements for stronger credits and reduce the amount of escrows to be funded from operations post-closing. Hospitals who might be on the fence about considering HUD as a financing option should take note of these changes, as they are likely to enhance the competitiveness of the program. We expect to know more about how these improvements will be implemented when OHF holds its lender training in July.

There have been no new developments in the LEAN program, but as Meatloaf once sang, two out of three ain’t bad. However, next month is the annual meeting of the Healthcare Mortgagee Advisory Council (HMAC), which is LEAN-focused and will be attended by a number of senior HUD program officials, as well as the entire SMF team. Stay tuned in this space for potential updates from LEAN.

HJ Sims Welcomes Tom Bowden as Vice President, Investment Banking, Bolsters Florida Banking Team

CONTACT: Tara Perkins, Assistant Vice President | 203-418-9049 | [email protected]

HJ Sims Welcomes Tom Bowden as Vice President, Investment Banking, Bolsters Florida Banking Team

FAIRFIELD, CT— HJ Sims (Sims), a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm founded in 1935, is pleased to announce that Thomas “Tom” Bowden joins as Vice President, Investment Banking.  Located in Richmond, Virginia, Bowden leads business development efforts in Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia.

Prior to joining Sims, Bowden spent seven years as Vice President with BB&T Capital Markets, serving senior living clients in the Southeast region of the U.S. Prior to BB&T, he interned in the public finance investment banking group with Davenport & Company, LLC, and served as a Senate Page in the U.S. Congress.

Bowden is focused on raising capital for retirement communities, with a significant emphasis on those organized as non-profits. Well-versed in various aspects of senior living governance and operations, he strives to be a keen advocate for clients, colleagues and collaborators. Bowden is skilled in leading discussions focused on industry and capital markets education, which he views as a fundamental and necessary baseline of understanding for decision making.

Bowden earned a B.S. in accounting and business administration from Washington and Lee University, where he was elected to the Executive Committee of the Student Body, played on the Varsity Golf team, and was a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

“I believe in an educational approach to serving the industry. The goal is to allow clients to make the decision regarding what is best for them, and the path to that goal is achieved through educating management teams and boards. I am excited to continue that work with the outstanding HJ Sims’ team, and am particularly optimistic about bringing the benefit of HJ Sims’ platforms to clients in the Southeast,” said Bowden.

“We are pleased to welcome Tom to our team; he is a highly respected investment banker dedicated to the senior living industry. Tom will lead efforts in Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. Tom brings an established presence in an important region and we are thrilled to have someone of his experience and character joining our team. We are equally happy to announce that Senior Vice President, Kerry Moynihan will co-lead our client relationships and business development efforts in Florida, alongside Senior Vice President, Melissa Messina. Kerry is based in Orlando, FL, and has more than a decade of senior living banking experience. We are elated to have such strong leadership and expertise in the Southeast region,” said Aaron Rulnick, Managing Principal.

ABOUT HJ SIMS: Founded in 1935 on Wall Street, HJ Sims is a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm with $2.2 billion of assets under management. HJ Sims is known as one of the country’s oldest underwriters of tax-exempt and taxable bonds, having raised $25+ billion for projects throughout the US. The firm is headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut, with nationwide investment banking, private client wealth management and trading locations. Visit www.hjsims.com/ourstory. Investments involve risk, including the possible fluctuation of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Member FINRA, SIPC. Follow HJ Sims on FacebookLinkedInInstagram and Twitter.

Sims Mortgage Funding Quarter-Year Review

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Sims Mortgage Funding (SMF) had a busy first quarter of 2019, as it added a new team member in late January and participated in national and regional lender conferences in February and March.

Meet the New Guy

Jonathan “Johnny” Sears joined SMF in January.  He has close to a decade of mortgage banking experience, including seven years working with Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) and HUD multifamily programs.  Prior to joining SMF, Johnny assisted in the origination and underwriting of over $150 million in FHA-insured multifamily loans for affordable and Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects at Bank of America/Merrill Lynch.

Conference Roundup – What Up With HUD?

The Mortgage Bankers Association 2019 Commercial Real Estate Finance (CREF) Conference and Eastern Lenders Association (ELA) Annual Meeting were held in February and March in San Diego and Baltimore respectively.  Anthony Luzzi, President of SMF, pulled rank and attended the San Diego conference; the trio of Kerrie Tomasiewicz, Andrew Patykula and Johnny Sears went to Baltimore. Senior HUD Executives presented at both conferences to discuss the state of the multifamily mortgage insurance programs.

Key take-aways:

  • HUD’s loan volume for new construction and substantial rehabilitation has been consistently growing over the past three years.  In 2016, HUD insured about $3.7 billion for these loans; by 2017, volume increased to $5.4 billion in 2017 and last year it increased to $6 billion.
  • Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) transactions have remained consistent over the last three years at about 33% of HUD’s multifamily business.  This likely has been the result of HUD’s successful LIHTC pilot program for Section 223(f) insured loans for acquisitions and refinances.
  • HUD’s overall timeframes have been improving.  Yes, we said it!  Last year, HUD averaged 77 days for its reviews of Section 223(f) multifamily refinance and acquisition loans and 104 days for its review of Section 221(d)(4) new construction and substantial rehabilitation loans.  These timeframes are likely to continue to improve in the future as HUD intends to hire additional staff.  Our recent experience with Section 223(f) has been better than the average.
  • Current multifamily policy initiatives for 2019 include the “Single Underwriter Model” Best Practices; a revised Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Guide; financing projects in Opportunity Zones; and, improving the Closing Process and Environmental Reviews.

Stay tuned for future updates on these initiatives, as they have the potential to expand HUD’s business and make HUD-insured loans even more competitive in the future.

Steps for Life 5k in South Florida

HJ Sims is proud to have been a sponsor of the annual Gift of Life Marrow Registry Steps for Life 5K of South Florida–another huge success. More than 500 participants attended and nearly $100,000 was raised to offset the lab processing fees for more than 1,600 new donors’ swab kits. The Steps for Life events have collectively added 13,107 donors to the registry. Matches have been found for 226 patients, resulting in an incredible 36 lifesaving transplants being completed. For more information: www.giftoflife.com.

To see more photos from the Steps for Life 5k in South Florida, click here: Steps for Life 5k in South FL

Steps for Life 5k in New York

The HJ Sims team participated in the Gift of Life Marrow Registry’s Steps for Life 5k at Battery Park in Manhattan yesterday morning. The course was beautiful, the event joyful and the cause extremely worthwhile. HJ Sims is proud to partner with Gift of Life as a sponsor of their Steps for Life events in New York, Boca Raton and Boston via our Corporate Social Responsibility program.

[Photo of New York Event]


To see more photos from the Steps for Life 5k in New York, click here: Steps for Life 5k NY, NY

Corporate Challenge, Stamford, CT

HJ Sims was pleased to sponsor and participate in the Stamford Boys & Girls Club Corporate 5K on May 22, in support of the Stamford Boys & Girls Club. The turnout was nearly 2,000 runners with more than 100 corporate teams! The event helped to raise more than $180,000* for the Stamford Boys & Girls Club.

*Gross preliminary revenue total

For more: www.bgcastamford.org 

[Photo of Stamford Event]

HJ Sims Welcomes John Koene as Managing Director to Lead Northeast Complex

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CONTACT: Tara Perkins, PR & Marketing Specialist | 203-418-9049 | [email protected]

HJ Sims Welcomes John Koene as Managing Director to Lead Northeast Complex

FAIRFIELD, CT—HJ Sims (Sims) is pleased to announce that John Koene joins the firm as Managing Director of the Private Client Group for the firm’s northeast complex, including the Iselin, NJ and Fairfield, CT offices.

“I am thrilled to join a firm with such a rich history an impressive reputation. I look forward to supporting our team and helping to develop the exclusive appeal of our wealth management products,” says Koene.

“We are excited to welcome John to our team. John’s leadership skills and experience are qualities that make him ideal for this role as he supports the firm’s continued business expansion efforts,” said Daniel Mullane, Managing Principal.

John attended University of North Carolina, Greensboro. John holds his Series 7, 24, and 63 licenses. John resides in Brielle, NJ with his wife and three daughters.

John can be reached at 732-590-0533 or [email protected]

ABOUT HJ SIMS: Founded in 1935, HJ Sims is a privately held investment bank and wealth management firm with $2.2 billion of assets under management. Sims is one of the country’s oldest underwriters of tax-exempt and taxable bonds, having raised $22 billion for projects throughout the US. The firm is headquartered in Fairfield, CT, with investment banking, private client wealth management and trading offices nation-wide. Pershing LLC, a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, is custodian of all client assets. Please visit: www.hjsims.com/ourstory. Investments involve risk, including the possible fluctuation of principal. Member FINRA, SIPC. Follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

Virtual Swab 2018

HJ Sims is proud to support Gift of Life Marrow Registry as our partner charity for our Corporate Social Responsibility program. Here are photos from our company-wide event 2018 Virtual Swab. 

Read the press release HERE.

To see photos of our Virtual Swab event, please click here: 2018 Virtual Swab

Serving our Communities: Corporate Social Responsibility

Five steps to save a life.
Serving Our Communities

HJ Sims is actively supporting our local communities by volunteering with a number of charitable organizations. We place value on helping to make our world a better place. We contribute to our communities via our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, an initiative that focuses staff volunteer efforts and contributions to non-profit, charitable organizations.

Our Mission

HJ Sims CSR program is designed to provide inspiration to our team, clients and to those we serve. We will affect change and make a difference in our local communities. We will accomplish this by bringing awareness to and increasing support for economic, social and environmental well-being through coordinated corporate and regional efforts, including the donation of funds and/or volunteering staff time. We will engage and inspire our staff by providing access, time and opportunities for giving back in a meaningful way.

Please read our 2018 Annual Report. For inquiries, please contact Tara Perkins at [email protected] or 203-418-9049.

Steps for Life Boca Raton!

Please help us support Gift of Life’s annual Steps for Life 5k run/walk and Superhero Kids race, which will be held at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton on Sunday, January 19, 2020. We invite you to join the HJ Sims’ team! Registration is only $30; Register today! If you are unable to join, please consider supporting Gift of Life with a monetary donation; your donation is tax-deductible. We also encourage you to please join the registry to help save a life!

Giving Tuesday 2019

In honor of giving Tuesday, we would like to recognize our employees who give their time to a variety of community non-profit organizations. In addition to our commitment to our Corporate Social Responsibility Program Partner, Gift of Life, our Rockville, MD office just conducted a Pantry Food Drive campaign to support their local community’s Manna Food Center, collecting 120+ pounds of non-perishable items. Our Fairfield, CT team will volunteer for Operation Hope of Fairfield on December 9, for their Fill the Shelves at the Food Pantry initiative, collecting box canned goods to feed 400+ families with wish lists and their Hope for the Holidays event, setting up tables to organize and transport to Santa’s Workshop filled holiday stockings for children.

Gift of Life

We are thrilled to announce that HJ Sims has selected Gift of Life (GOL) as our partner charity for the inaugural year of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

A little about GOL’s mission: GOL believes that every person battling blood cancer deserves a second chance at life—and they are singularly passionate about engaging the public to help get everyone involved in curing blood cancer—whether as a donor, a volunteer or a financial supporter. All it takes is one person to perform a painless, life-saving swab to discover a potential match for someone suffering from blood cancer—and a cure. For more on GOL’s history and mission, please visit: www.giftoflife.org and see the attached fact sheet.

HJ Sims Raises Funds for Hurricane Relief

The HJ Sims team is pleased to have raised approximately $2,500 from an internal fundraiser to help support Team Rubicon’s efforts in the Bahamas in assisting victims of Dorian. Team Rubicon serves communities by mobilizing veterans to continue their service, leveraging their skills and experience to help people prepare, respond, and recover from disasters and humanitarian crises. For more information, please visit: https://teamrubiconusa.org.

The 16th Annual HJ Sims Late Winter Conference

Gift of Life staff attended this years’ sixteenth Annual HJ Sims Late Winter Conference in Clearwater Beach at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort. GOL was part of a special presentation at opening session which included an introduction to HJ Sims’ CSR program by Tara Perkins, AVP Marketing Communications, HJ Sims, and a screening of the Gift of Life/HJ Sims partnership video. Sharon Kitroser, Corporate and Community Relations Officer, GOL, delivered a short history of GOL and introduced a video of Ryan Corning (donor) from News Now. Ryan Corning then took the stage to discuss his heartwarming experience–there was not a dry eye in the house! GOL staff Marc Silver and Sharon Kitroser, along with Ryan Corning, were on-hand throughout the event at the GOL Booth in the lobby—swabbing, distributing information and answering questions. It was a wonderful experience to share GOL in this way with this year’s Conference attendees.

Kitroser says, “It was truly an honor to join HJ Sims at their late Winter Conference. Gift of Life Marrow Registry presented our mission to save lives through marrow and stem cell donation, and shared how our partnership has come to life in the past 10 months. We introduced one of our heroic donors. Ryan Corning of Land O’Lakes Florida saved 47 year old New Yorker Julio Rivera, who has survived leukemia thanks to his transplant. Attendees were excited to hear more about how their teams can swab their cheeks to save a life. Plus, more than 30 individuals joined the registry right there at the conference!”