Serving Our Communities
HJ Sims is actively supporting our local communities by volunteering with a number of charitable organizations. We place value on helping to make our world a better place. We contribute to our communities via our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, an initiative that focuses staff volunteer efforts and contributions to non-profit, charitable organizations.
Our Mission
HJ Sims CSR program is designed to provide inspiration to our team, clients and to those we serve. We will affect change and make a difference in our local communities. We will accomplish this by bringing awareness to and increasing support for economic, social and environmental well-being through coordinated corporate and regional efforts, including the donation of funds and/or volunteering staff time. We will engage and inspire our staff by providing access, time and opportunities for giving back in a meaningful way.
Please read our 2018 Annual Report. For inquiries, please contact Tara Perkins at [email protected] or 203-418-9049.
Steps for Life Boca Raton!
Please help us support Gift of Life’s annual Steps for Life 5k run/walk and Superhero Kids race, which will be held at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton on Sunday, January 19, 2020. We invite you to join the HJ Sims’ team! Registration is only $30; Register today! If you are unable to join, please consider supporting Gift of Life with a monetary donation; your donation is tax-deductible. We also encourage you to please join the registry to help save a life!

Giving Tuesday 2019
In honor of giving Tuesday, we would like to recognize our employees who give their time to a variety of community non-profit organizations. In addition to our commitment to our Corporate Social Responsibility Program Partner, Gift of Life, our Rockville, MD office just conducted a Pantry Food Drive campaign to support their local community’s Manna Food Center, collecting 120+ pounds of non-perishable items. Our Fairfield, CT team will volunteer for Operation Hope of Fairfield on December 9, for their Fill the Shelves at the Food Pantry initiative, collecting box canned goods to feed 400+ families with wish lists and their Hope for the Holidays event, setting up tables to organize and transport to Santa’s Workshop filled holiday stockings for children.
Gift of Life
We are thrilled to announce that HJ Sims has selected Gift of Life (GOL) as our partner charity for the inaugural year of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.
A little about GOL’s mission: GOL believes that every person battling blood cancer deserves a second chance at life—and they are singularly passionate about engaging the public to help get everyone involved in curing blood cancer—whether as a donor, a volunteer or a financial supporter. All it takes is one person to perform a painless, life-saving swab to discover a potential match for someone suffering from blood cancer—and a cure. For more on GOL’s history and mission, please visit: and see the attached fact sheet.

HJ Sims Raises Funds for Hurricane Relief
The HJ Sims team is pleased to have raised approximately $2,500 from an internal fundraiser to help support Team Rubicon’s efforts in the Bahamas in assisting victims of Dorian. Team Rubicon serves communities by mobilizing veterans to continue their service, leveraging their skills and experience to help people prepare, respond, and recover from disasters and humanitarian crises. For more information, please visit:
The 16th Annual HJ Sims Late Winter Conference
Gift of Life staff attended this years’ sixteenth Annual HJ Sims Late Winter Conference in Clearwater Beach at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort. GOL was part of a special presentation at opening session which included an introduction to HJ Sims’ CSR program by Tara Perkins, AVP Marketing Communications, HJ Sims, and a screening of the Gift of Life/HJ Sims partnership video. Sharon Kitroser, Corporate and Community Relations Officer, GOL, delivered a short history of GOL and introduced a video of Ryan Corning (donor) from News Now. Ryan Corning then took the stage to discuss his heartwarming experience–there was not a dry eye in the house! GOL staff Marc Silver and Sharon Kitroser, along with Ryan Corning, were on-hand throughout the event at the GOL Booth in the lobby—swabbing, distributing information and answering questions. It was a wonderful experience to share GOL in this way with this year’s Conference attendees.
Kitroser says, “It was truly an honor to join HJ Sims at their late Winter Conference. Gift of Life Marrow Registry presented our mission to save lives through marrow and stem cell donation, and shared how our partnership has come to life in the past 10 months. We introduced one of our heroic donors. Ryan Corning of Land O’Lakes Florida saved 47 year old New Yorker Julio Rivera, who has survived leukemia thanks to his transplant. Attendees were excited to hear more about how their teams can swab their cheeks to save a life. Plus, more than 30 individuals joined the registry right there at the conference!”