2023 LeadingAge Ohio Annual Conference and Trade Show

HJ Sims is proud to be attending and will be sponsoring and exhibiting at the 2023 LeadingAge Ohio Annual Conference & Trade Show.

Our Executive Vice President, Lynn Daly will speak on a panel covering creative programming, phasing and financing to get projects done. The discussion will take place on Wednesday, August 30th at 3:30pm EST. We hope to see you there!

We will see you soon at Booth 83!

Attendees: James Bodine and Lynn Daly

2023 LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware Annual Meeting + Expo

HJ Sims is proud to be attending and presenting at the 2023 LeadingAge New Jersey & Delaware Annual Meeting + ExpoWe look forward to connecting. 

Education Session:

Planning the Future: For Those Who Don’t Own a Crystal Ball  
Thursday, June 22, 2023 | 9:45 am – 11:00 am 

Astronomical construction costs and disruptive supply chain issues are key factors delaying or effectively freezing many expansion initiatives and capital projects. Combine those with a focus on the historic labor shortage and lingering effects of the COVID Pandemic, and it is clear why so many senior living organizations have put plans on hold in order to weather the storm. For many organizations, these challenges may create an exciting opportunity to plan for the future. In this highly competitive and ever-changing market, realigning and repositioning assists is critical in order to sustain the organization longer term. 

This session will showcase two organizations in particular, who chose master planning at this precise time; even while other capital projects were already in progress. Presbyterian Senior Living (PSL) is a not-for-profit organization, providing retirement and senior care services for more than 90 years. Headquartered in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, they provide comprehensive services and accommodations to more than 6,000 seniors in 30 locations across the mid-Atlantic region of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and Delaware. Focused on their campus in North-west Philadelphia, PSL sought an exercise that would clearly identify a plan for the future that would offer new housing types it hadn’t envisioned before. Parker Health System was founded more than 110 years ago, as a place where people could age in a home-like setting. Since then, Parker has led the way in aging services and has been committed to challenging, changing, and expanding the idea of what it means to grow older in America. Parker has been in planning mode for a number of years, focusing on enhancing and better aligning each of its campuses and now in the midst of an enterprise-wide effort, guided by the premise of heightening performance and outcomes. This session will offer insight on driving factors; mission, finances, personnel, leading to a clear path towards a sustainable future for the organizations and residents they serve. The panelists will outline and discuss key elements of the process including; identification of need and performance of an asset, allocation of resources and access to funding, reflection on mission, selection of a key professional partners, understanding of logistics and communication to residents and staff, and final evaluation.


  • James Bodine, Executive Vice President 
  • Steve Leone, Principal, Spiezle Architectural Group, Inc.
  • Dan Davis, President & CEO Presbyterian Senior Living
  • Pam Smith, Director of Business Development for Parker Life


LeadingAge MN 2022 Institute and EXPO

Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual) Conference
In Person: February 9-11, 2022
Virtual: February 22-24, 2022

Thought Leadership and Educational Session:

The Power of Innovative Senior Services Boards

Session Date & Time: Virtual Institute Experience, Wednesday, February 23, 11:30am – 12:30pm

Back to Business as Usual for Governing Boards

This session is targeted for Board Members, Assisted Living Directors,  Campus Director/Site Leaders, and CEO/Administrators, of assisted living and care centers although anyone is welcome.

  • Learn the 12 principles of governance that power exceptional boards and how they can be applied to your organization.
  • Gain and understanding of how to shift the board from crisis management back to strategic planning.
  • Refresh your knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of governing boards, post-pandemic, and be able to share that wisdom with your board.

Featured Speakers:

  • Lynn Daly, Executive Vice President, HJ Sims
  • Jerry Carley, President/CEO, Benedictine Health System
  • Michael Edwin, Director, Baker Tilly


As we continue to experience fluctuations in our capital markets, HJ Sims is committed to Tracking the COVID-19 Impact.

2023 National Charter School Conference

HJ Sims is proud to be attending, exhibiting, and sponsoring the 2023 National Charter School Conference. Make sure to stop by and visit us at Booth #1110. We look forward to connecting. 



2023 LeadingAge New York Annual Conference & Exposition

HJ Sims is proud to be attending the 2023 LeadingAge New York Annual Conference & ExpositionWe look forward to connecting. 

Education Session:

Capital Market Update: Looking for Signs of Recovery 
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 | 1:45 pm – 3:15 pm

2022 was one of the most turbulent years in the debt capital markets in a long time, with dramatic increases in interest rates driving many borrowers to the sidelines and new projects being placed on hold. With inflation seemingly abating, the presenters will discuss how we got here and what are the signs to look for that may signal recovery. 





2023 LeadingAge Texas Annual Conference & Solutions Expo

HJ Sims is proud to be attending, exhibiting, and speaking at the 2023 LeadingAge Texas Annual Conference & Solutions ExpoWe look forward to connecting.

Education Session:

Growth And Strategic Positioning for the Long-Term
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 | 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Today’s senior living providers are facing a turbulent set of headwinds – COVID recovery, an aging population, government regulation, rising interest rates, etc. – this session investigates how organizations are making decisions now to position their communities for the future of age-qualified living. 

This session will call on the experience of Pat Crump, CEO of Morningside Ministries and Morningside’s development partner John Merkins, as well as Army Residence Community’s CFO Gordon Shoger and development partner, Brian Schiff, to examine how senior living providers are preparing their communities for the future of senior living.

In the case of Morningside Ministries, Pat and John will discuss their renovation of the Chandler Estates campus into an affordable middle market option and the various other initiatives Morningside is undertaking including.

Army Residence’s portion of the discussion will discuss how they are navigating a multi-phased campus repositioning in a time of rising interest rates and changing consumer demand.


  • Dana Anders, Senior Living Segment Leader, CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA)
  • Myranda Prater, CFO, Morningside Ministries
  • James Rester, Executive Vice President, HJ Sims
  • Brian Schiff, Managing Director, BS&A
  • Gordon Shoger, CFO, Army Residence Community 



2023 LeadingAge Pennsylvania Annual Conference

HJ Sims is proud to be attending, sponsoring, and presenting at the 2023 LeadingAge Pennsylvania Annual Conference. Make sure to visit us at Booth #117 and we look forward to connecting.

Education Sessions:

 “Stuck in the Middle: Strategy & Design to Serve the Mid-Income Senior Market “
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 | 8 am – 9 am

As a country and industry, we have done an excellent job meeting the healthcare and housing needs of high-net-worth and upper-middle-class older adults who can afford higher-end and market-rate senior living. However, we are struggling to meet the needs of our middle-income older adults, who arguably have fewer options than their counterparts on either side of the spectrum. How do we meet the needs of the older adults who have enough income and assets to disqualify them for traditional affordable housing but not enough to afford an entrance-fee or private-pay senior living community? We’ll answer that question in an insight-filled session covering industry demographics trends and development strategies to make construction affordable and marketable to older adults on a fixed income.




2023 LeadingAge Michigan Annual Conference

HJ Sims is proud to be attending and presenting at the 2023 LeadingAge Michigan Annual ConferenceWe look forward to connecting.

Education Session:

 Single Site Life Plan Communities 
Monday, May 15, 2023 | 4:15 pm 

Using single-site life plan communities as examples, this session will review factors important to historical and long-term future success, including leadership and governance, mission-driven goals, and approach to strategic planning. Commentary will be included on COVID recovery to date and possible effects to the long term care industry. The presentation will review Beacon Hill at Eastgate as a distinctive senior living community in a competitive market. 


  • Lynn Daly, Executive Vice President, HJ Sims
  • Jeff Huegli, President & CEO, Beacon Hill at Eastgate 

2023 LeadingAge Iowa Spring Conference and Solutions Expo

HJ Sims is proud to be attending and presenting at the 2023 LeadingAge Iowa Spring Conference and Solutions Expo. We look forward to connecting.

Education Sessions:

 “If You’re Not at the Table, You’re Probably on the Menu” 
Thursday, May 4, 2023 | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm

Many non-profit organizations are not positioned to react when mergers and acquisitions and affiliation opportunities arise.  This session explores steps management can take to be in a position of strength when considering future acquisitions or a sponsorship transition of your own ministry. We will look at steps providers are taking with their Board to be proactive to be at the table when mission-advancing opportunities are included on the menu. Attendees will take away tools that their Board can adopt to ensure alignment and board buy-in when evaluating opportunities.

  • Describe the importance of keeping your board up to date with the type and velocity of affiliations and sponsorship transitions happening in the senior living industry.
  • Explain how other non-profits and for-profits are successfully positioning themselves to grow (and/or divest) via mergers and acquisitions.
  • Explore how to use the take-away tool and how it can be customized for your community.  A sample will be discussed and the tool will be available for providers to ‘take-home’ after the session.


“How to Incorporate Middle Market Products on Your Campus”  
Thursday, May 4, 2023 | 1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
This session will highlight the strategic significance of extending housing to the middle market. Understand the increasing pressure on senior living providers to meet the demands of the emerging middle market. Learn what baby boomers and their families are really looking for when it comes to middle market housing and services. Additionally, we will review current design strategies including common space considerations, accommodation styles to reduce construction costs and maximize efficiencies.
  • Explain the demand and reasons behind the demand for moderate priced housing.
  • Identify key success factors for development, including location considerations, campus integration, and service offerings.
  • Consider design, construction and financing strategies for these and other capital projects.
