2025 LeadingAge VA Governance Webinar Series


Tom Bowden, Senior Vice President, HJ Sims

Governance Webinar Series: Executive Compensation Strategy and Governance: Best Practices and Compliance

Session Description: Strong demand persists but elevated capital costs and other inflationary pressures persist. Volatility seems to remain the flavor of the times. And a newly elected executive and legislative agenda currently has tax-exempt financing in jeopardy. This session will review how our volatile economy has affected the senior housing field and what you and your team will be navigating financially moving forward.

The 18th Annual HJ Sims Virtual Late Winter Conference

Our 18th Annual HJ Sims Late Winter Conference has gone virtual. This year, our conference will examine trends and developments critical to the success of senior living communities. An extensive and thoughtful agenda has been compiled to address financing methods, operating strategies and technological advancements that can help alleviate existing challenges and encourage continued growth in the non-profit and proprietary sectors of our industry. Throughout the conference, we will deliver a dynamic group of speakers and experts committed to sharing thought-provoking views and providing profound insight. Our series of keynote speakers, breakout sessions, panels and roundtables will deliver an invaluable forum for exchanging ideas and information, while also providing unique networking opportunities. The objective of the Late Winter Conference is for industry participants to learn and discuss each other’s strategies and solutions for success.


We didn’t quite realize how turbulent it would be for us and our industry. Throughout it all, we persevered and coped with change, loss and the unexpected. Please enjoy this video as our team reflects on 2020 and looks forward to ‘seeing’ you soon.

This conference has been planned for senior living community owners/operators and management including board members, institutional investors, invited speakers as well as senior living industry partners who do not own, operate or manage a community.

For more information, please contact Rebecca Brady.

Conference Details:

We offer conference registrants Continuing Education credits with both NAB and NASBA. In order to obtain the credits, registrants must be present for the duration of the live webinar. Registrants who disconnect prior to the conclusion of the live webinar or view the webinar on-demand will not receive credits.

Green House Development Workshop

Education Workshop: 

This comprehensive workshop provides an overview of how and why you should build a Green House community. Leaders from Green House organizations and strategic partners will explore key cornerstones of developing Green House homes.

Date & Time: February 4, 2021 from 10:00am – 4:30pm

Session Description:

Financing Panel Discussion – Industry experts discuss innovative and efficient financing structures, including tax-exempt bonds; HUD, direct bank, and USDA financing; and interim financing and seed capital.

Session Details: 3:15pm – 4:15pm

Featured Speakers:

  • Aaron Rulnick, Managing Principal, HJ Sims;
  • Anthony Luzzi, President, Sims Mortgage Funding, Inc.
  • John Franklin, Principal, Pearl Creek Advisors
  • Sharon O’Brien, Administrative VP, Healthcare & NFP, M&T Bank
  • Seth Wagner, VP Public Finance, Truist Securities

As we continue to experience fluctuations in our capital markets, HJ Sims is committed to Tracking the COVID-19 Impact.

LeadingAge VA Governance Webinar Series

Education Series: 

Governance Webinar Series: How does a board set an organization’s strategic vision amongst the uncertainty of the times? 

Session Description:  HJ Sims is sponsoring this series of comprehensive virtual content geared directly toward the Governance of senior living providers. Targeting board members, leadership teams and those new to these roles, but a benefit to all leaders in our field, the sessions will tap the intellectual capital of industry experts from governance, law, finance, development, and strategic planning. The series will explore the role of the board as well as its legal responsibilities. Included will be a discussion of the financial outlook coming out of the Pandemic as well as recent and future financial trends. There will be a session dedicated to strategic planning in unprecedented times. Finally, the series will culminate with a panel discussion amongst CEOs and Board Chairs with a passion for and demonstrated excellence in not-for-profit senior living governance. 

Individual Session Details: 

Financial Trends and Outlooks for Providers

  • This session will review the new reality of COVID expenses that are here to stay.
  • February 11, 2021 from 11am to 12:15pm EST
  • Facilitator: Tom Bowden, Senior Vice President – Investment Banking, HJ Sims and Gayl Mileszko, Director of Analysis & Commentary, HJ Sims

Strategic Planning in Unprecedented Times

  • During unprecedented times, it is still feasible for communities to consider various repositioning
    perspectives and scenario planning for the “what if’s”.
  • February 25, 2021 from 11am to 12:15pm EST 
  • Facilitators: Tom Bowden, Senior Vice President – Investment Banking, HJ Sims and Dana Wollschlager, Partner, Plante Moran Living Forward 

Governing during Challenging Times

  • A panel of CEOs and Board Chairs will provide best practices in governing during difficult and challenging times.
  • March 11, 2021 from 11am to 12:15pm EDT  
  • Facilitator: Aaron Rulnick, Managing Principal, HJ Sims 

As we continue to experience fluctuations in our capital markets, HJ Sims is committed to Tracking the COVID-19 Impact.