Market Commentary: No Confetti

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The first National Convention of the Democratic Party was a three- day affair held in Baltimore in 1832 with delegates attending from every state except Missouri. The incumbent president, Andrew Jackson was nominated for a second term, and former Secretary of State Martin Van Buren of New York defeated John Calhoun to become the vice presidential running mate. The delegates adopted a platform and a number of rules that led to a framework that has since been used by all parties every four years. But over time, delegates could never have contemplated conventions like the ones we are having in 2020 with pre-taped videos, Zoom, empty ballrooms, no hats, no balloons, no streamers, buttons, pennants or cheers, no visible runners or horse-traders. There are 4,750 delegates to the four-day Democratic convention concluding this week. Next week’s virtual Republican convention will include an estimated 2,551 delegates.

For the financial markets, Election Day cannot come soon enough. Traders and investors loathe uncertainty yet, between the pandemic and the polling, the country is enveloped in it right now. Everyone from the top CEOs at investment banks to the young worker just starting to build a retirement account is now speculating on how they will be affected by the November 3 results – if there are results available that night or soon thereafter. If there are widespread ballot integrity issues and we have a repeat of the Bush-Gore contest from 20 years ago with recounts and litigation and unclear outcomes lasting for 34 days or two months, all U.S. markets could slide. It is hard to imagine a contested election lasting beyond Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021, but we have recently seen a lot of developments that were heretofore unimaginable. Two of the more likely possible outcomes would have the greatest impact on stock, corporate, and commodity market volatility for several months, in our view. Under several scenarios, we would also expect some temporary spikes in Treasury prices and yields as the world digests the victories and losses. The steady performer, in our opinion, will likely be municipals. Let us take a minute to explain why.

In a scenario where the incumbent president is re-elected and the House and Senate remain under current control, we anticipate more partisan gridlock blocking further efforts at tax reform. SALT state residents as well as earners in most income brackets will continue to present strong demand for tax-exempt bonds and nontraditional buyers attracted by the yields and credit quality of taxable munis versus corporate credits badly battered by coronavirus will buoy prices. State and local cries for pandemic recovery aid could produce an infrastructure bill with authorization for a national issuer/guarantor or perhaps a subsidized taxable muni product that will prove to be interest to both domestic and foreign buyers. With the Fed remaining in its role as backstop for all markets and protector of liquidity, equities should continue to rally, Treasuries remain in heavy global demand, and municipal yields remain low, bolstered by favorable technical conditions.

Should a new president be elected with control of the House and Senate unchanged, partisan gridlock will thwart attempts at most major policy reversals. Markets would expect a new series of executive orders and actions in the realm of trade, health care and the environment but we can also see the lingering effects of the pandemic likely producing by necessity an agreement on infrastructure as well as state and local aid. This is a neutral to positive environment for municipals but other markets should expect unstable conditions for several months as the details of Democratic priorities and initiatives are rolled out and dissected.

A new president with control of both houses of Congress and a clear mandate would probably lead to action on tax increases, health care reform, tighter environmental regulations, and major stimulus for state and local governments. Nothing happens overnight, but the markets are forward looking and will likely overreact right away. Assuming the absence of another Black Swan, changing fiscal and tax policies are likely to produce prolonged municipal rallies. Demand could be dampened in several states if the state and local tax deduction cap is lifted. But the most volatility would likely be seen in stock, commodity and other markets as new policies take shape and ramifications considered.

Should the incumbent be re-elected and have control of both houses of Congress there might be a clear mandate for further tax reform and the further loosening of regulations, all favorable to equity and commodity markets. Munis could become less attractive. However, there is a wide enough range in philosophies within the Republican party such that consensus on taxes, health care, spending, trade, immigration and other thorny issues may not be so easily reached. In any event, we would expect that pandemic-driven needs for federal assistance will help bolster state and local credits, permit the return of tax-exempt refundings and raise yields enough to offset any loss of interest in tax-exemption as a result of any further tax cuts.

There are 75 days to Election Day. Back in the here and now, investors are focused on the end of summer, very basic back-to-school issues, high-priced assets, and record-setting debt levels and new issuance. Month-to-date investment grade corporate issuance already totals $110.5 billion and high yield corporate issuance so far in August exceeds $47 billion. The U.S. Treasury is on track for a record refunding this month; debt issuance was $2.753 trillion in the second quarter and $947 billion is planned this quarter. The federal government is projected to have a budget deficit of $3.7 trillion during the fiscal year about to end on September 30.

So far this month, equity gains have reversed all the losses suffered since the coronavirus sell-off in March. The Dow is up 5.1% in August, the S&P 500 has just hit an all-time high, and the Nasdaq has gained 4.3%.  Oil prices are up 6.5% to $42.89 a barrel and gold prices have climbed 1.6% to $2,006 an ounce. Treasuries have weakened; the 2-year yield is up 4 basis points to 0.14%, the 10-year has added 14 basis points and stands at 0.66%, and the 30-year at 1.39% is up 20 basis points.  Municipal yields have inched up an average of 2 basis points. At this writing, the 2-year AAA municipal general obligation bond yields 0.14%, the 10-year is at 0.67% and the 30-year is at 1.39%.  Muni investors are adding $32 billion of cash from maturing and called bonds this month and, with a record low amount of dealer supply, have been adding to muni bond fund holdings; funds have taken in new money for 15 consecutive weeks. So far this month, there has been $19.5 billion of new muni issuance, $8.4 billion of which has come as taxable. Last week, the Arizona Industrial Development Authority was in the market with a $250.7 million issue for Legacy Care structured with a 2050 term maturity that priced at 7.75% to yield 7.836%. The National Finance Authority had a $129.4 million B rated resource recovery refunding deal for Covanta due in 2043 that priced at par to yield 3.625%. Florida’s Capital Trust Agency sold $17.6 million of non-rated bonds for Team Success School of Excellence that featured a 35-year maturity priced with a coupon of 5.00% to yield 4.99%. This week’s calendar is expected to add another $12.5 billion to the total, with $4.2 billion of new taxable supply. Among the high yield financings on the slate is a $131.8 million noon-rated deal for MRC Stevenson Oaks senior living community in Fort Worth, a $59.1 million BB+ rated transaction for Milford Regional Medical Center in Massachusetts, and a $14.2 million non-rated issue for UCP Charter Schools in Orlando.

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Market Commentary: Sticker Shock

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Municipal bonds advanced in price again last week on the strength of extraordinary cash balances and an absence of sufficient supply. Yields fell to their lowest point in 70 years. Looking for places to reinvest the $22 billion from bond redemptions and maturities on August 1, 2020, investors added another $1.4 billion to tax-exempt mutual bond funds last week and $229 million to muni ETFs. The modest new issue calendar of $8.1 billion was quickly absorbed by buyers who are waiting impatiently in line for more. The State of Hawaii brought a $995 million AA+ rated taxable general obligation deal with a maximum yield of 2.293% in 2040. Phoenix Children’s Hospital had a $245 million A1-rated financing with a final term maturity in 2050 yielding 2.12%. In the secondary market, MMA reported on the sticker shock, citing 5% San Francisco general obligation bonds due in 2025 traded at yields as low as 0.07%. In the high yield sector, the Academy of Advanced Learning charter school on Aurora, Colorado came to market with an $8.5 million BB rated transaction that priced at par to yield 4.375% in 2027. The Bond Buyer Municipal Bond Index (based on 40 long-term bond prices) fell two basis points to 3.52% from the week before. The 20-bond GO Index (20-year general obligation yields) dropped seven basis points to 2.02%. The 11-bond GO Index (higher grade 11-year GOs) declined to 1.55%. The Revenue Bond Index decreased seven basis points to 2.44%.

Munis are not the only products in great demand. Initial public offerings are on track to hit highs not seen since the 2000 tech boom.  Equities, as defined by the Dow Industrial, gained slightly more than a thousand points last week to close at 27,433. Gold prices hit an all-time high last week with spot prices climbing as high as $2,070 an ounce. U.S. corporate high yield bond fund inflows totaled $4.39 billion last week and the primary market saw $21 billion of new high yield bonds issued; the year-to-date volume now totals $260 billion. The average yield on investment grade corporate bonds at 1.82% is at an all-time low. There is also an unquenchable thirst for U.S. Treasuries where new issue supply is much heavier and there is a worldwide hunt for yield as the level of negative yielding debt exceeds $14 trillion. This is indeed fortunate as the Treasury plans to sell a record $112 billion in notes and bonds in this week’s refunding auctions. The three-month Treasury finished last week at a 0.09% yield, the 10-year Treasury at 0.56% and the 30-year Treasury at 1.22%

All of  this remains hard to reconcile in the context of quarterly U.S. earnings reports and economic data which, while above expectations, are nevertheless ghastly; rising coronavirus counts that terrify teachers, troopers and tight ends; the looting and riots damaging so many of America’s great cities; trade combat, more often described as “tensions”, with China; pollsters paid to support divisive narratives; fall election lineups featuring consequential face-offs; and inscrutable political strategies holding up the next national fiscal aid package, just to name a few. This is our status quo through Labor Day — and perhaps until November 3. 

We continue to focus on the positives but look under all the proverbial hoods and kick all the tires in our daily analytic, surveillance, and trading work. We encourage you to contact your HJ Sims advisor to review the credit fundamentals in your portfolio, as well as in new offerings we see every day that may be suited to your risk profile and worthy of your investment.

Market Commentary: Groundhog Day

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The 1993 box office hit starring Bill Murray portrayed a TV weatherman from Pittsburgh sent with his producer to cover the annual shadow-no shadow show in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania which, for 120 years, has produced legendary forecasts of early spring or extended winter. He soon becomes trapped in a time loop nightmare that causes him to relive the events of February 2 with the townies over and over and over again. The movie, which was actually filmed in Woodstock and Cary, Illinois with an unknown woodchuck, became one of the most popular romantic comedies of all time and “groundhog day” became our new term for being stuck in a job or life that is mind-numbingly repetitive and unpleasant.

Groundhog Day is the cycle that many of us find ourselves in for five going on six months now. On the personal front, we smack the same alarm button every morning not knowing if is in fact Wednesday or Sunday, April or August. We are mostly limited to our homes, in mostly small spaces, often with family but sometimes alone, and venture out at our risk with mask and gloves to work, shop, or just get some air. Like the character Phil Connors, some of us try counseling, take side jobs, reach out to help others in need, learn to play the piano, fall in love. Others eat and drink too much, lash out, spend unwisely, take crazy gambles. On the work front, our lives are mostly inextricably linked with the very same spaces, people, events and risks. In many ways, our days are as Yogi Berra once said, “déjà vu all over again”. And try as we might to find humor in our daily routines, exercise, socialize with our family and friends, or make plans for the future, these efforts, once so normal and natural, have become a tiresome chore amid restrictions that were tolerable for 15 or 30 or 60 days but now seem quite permanent. We suddenly long for the good old days, no matter how lousy they may have seemed back a mere six months ago, pre-Covid.

The financial markets have generally loved the Groundhog Day cycle since late March, in the same way they have loved all the vaccines administered by the Federal Reserve for the past 11 years. They have saved us from inflation, depression, and most undesirable losses. While federal and state pandemic control-related policies have devastated small businesses and caused communities to split over what to do about schools, prisons, churches, nursing homes, taxes and the kind of government we want after November 3, as investors we have been reliving a reel of rallies.

Last week, as Fitch Ratings lowered the outlook of the United States of America to “Negative” from “Stable,” the 10-year Treasury yield fell to its lowest level not in decades but in centuries — 234 years to be exact — at 0.52% and the $20 trillion market saw volatility fall to a record low. During July, the benchmark yield dropped 13 basis points, the 2-year sank 4 basis points to 0.10% and the 30-year plunged 22 basis points to 1.19%. At this writing, there is speculation that the entire Treasury yield curve will soon be under 1%.

The Nasdaq, just having hit its 30th record high in 2020, added more than 686 points in July, closing at 10,745. The Dow gained 615 points to finish at 26,428. The S&P 500 ended up 5.5% at 3,271. The Russell 2000 climbed 39 points to 1,480. Reuters recently reported that the average holding period for U.S. shares has dropped to 5.5 months versus 8.5 months in December; this is a new record low, beating the turnover seen during 2008 crisis and reflecting investor fear of missing out juxtaposed against the terror of owning overpriced stocks in illiquid market. Oil prices rose $1 a barrel to $40.27. Gold prices spiked 10.8% to $1,975 an ounce and has since crossed the historic $2,000 mark. Gold is up 35% this year, making it one of the best performing assets so far alongside silver which at $26.80 is up more than 50%.

Despite weakening state and local credit fundamentals resulting from the Covid-depressed economy, the municipal bond market is soaring higher based on technical factors that include light tax-exempt supply, strong demand, buyers significantly outnumbering sellers since march 17, lots of excess cash from summer bond calls, coupons and maturities, light dealer inventories, and a steady stream of inflows for 12 consecutive weeks into muni bond ETFs and mutual funds. In July, $7.5 billion was added to mutual funds and the muni rally continued. July issuance was actually the highest in 34 years at $42.6 billion but 35% of the total came in the form of taxable bonds. Year-to-date issuance of corporate bonds by non-profits is twelve times higher than it was last year. The general market was up 1.3% with strong performances by zero coupon bonds. The high yield sector gained 1.2%, and taxable munis outperformed with returns of 2.3%. During the month, the 2-year tax-exempt AAA municipal general obligation bond yield went from 0.27% to 0.13%, the 10-year from 0.90% to 0.65% and the 30-year from 1.63% to 1.37%. The 10-year muni-Treasury ratio currently stands at 124.8%.

In the muni primary market last week, the Public Finance Authority sold $18.4 million of BB-minus rated charter school revenue bonds for Founders Academy of Las Vegas that came with a 2055 maturity priced at 5.00% to 4.59%. In the high yield corporate market, Seaworld Entertainment had a 5-year non-call deal, upsized from $400 to $500 million, with more than $2 billion of orders that priced at par to yield 9.50%. In the corporate bond sector, investment grade bonds gained 2.9% in July while high yield climbed 3.9% and more than half of high yield borrowers had total returns that higher than that, up to 24.8%. Higher rated issuance slowed to $65 billion and high yield deal volume totaled only $25 billion. This week, investors will see 20% of the companies in the S&P 500 index report quarterly earnings. There are approximately $30 billion of investment grade deals on the calendar and $13 billion of high yield deals have priced already as of Wednesday morning. The muni slate totals approximately $7.3 billion.

U.S. markets are not reflecting the condition of an economy that posted gross domestic product of negative 32.9% in the second quarter and is still struggling with how to track and contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But performance must be viewed in a global context where negative yielding debt totals $14.3 trillion and there is a worldwide hunt for any yield. In addition, the Fed is suppressing rates at zero, extending its crisis lending through December, and pledging to do whatever else it takes to overcome a downturn characterized by the Chair as the most severe in our lifetimes. The Fed’s balance sheet has expanded to $7 trillion and may well grow to $11 trillion by year-end. There is no agreement between the House, Senate and White House on the terms of the next stimulus, but this has long been expected to wrap up by Friday when the Senate recess is scheduled to begin. The good news will help to reduce fallout from the weak July jobs numbers also expected on that day and the damage wrought by Hurricane Isaias up and down the East Coast.

Market Commentary: Investment Ballpark

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The investment ballpark, much like every stadium across the country, looks different at this point in the season. It has changed as a result of the coronavirus and is still morphing as major players study the whole lineup of social unrest, campaign platforms, and this start-and-stop economic recovery with its unprecedented unemployment, school and business closures, and financial pressures that caused nearly one third of all Americans to miss their housing payments due on July 1. In the same way that Major League Baseball has been struggling with health and safety issues affecting players and fans to determine the future of the game amid alarming increases in cases, conventional financial analysts taking in all these unsettling conditions might deem most investments ill-advised at this time, perhaps none more so than the obligations of state and local government whose revenues have plummeted alongside incomes and sales.

There are some 65,000 individual municipal borrowers with about a million different credits outstanding. Many are general obligations of state and local governments stressed by six months of tax streams that have dried up and a gush of unexpected social spending. Some are backed by specific revenues that have been more impacted than others. Common problems for all are compounded for some by issues stemming from trade wars, court decisions, violent crime, and population moves. Many government and nonprofit borrowers began the year with robust rainy day funds — but plenty of others did not and their best laid plans have been scuttled by Covid-19 related shutdowns. Urgent needs and wish lists have been exchanged with Congress, but the terms of a fifth federal aid package have yet to be determined at this writing. In the meantime, in spite of all the facts and headlines, the 11-week rally continues and municipal bonds are advancing steadily once again. Last week, the 10-year tax-exempt AAA general obligation benchmark yields fell another 4 basis points to 0.71% right alongside U.S. Treasuries, which fell like a sinking fastball from 0.63% to 0.59%. The 30-year muni yield also dropped 4 basis points to 1.43% while the long bond boosted its slugging percentage such that its yield fell a full 10 basis points to 1.23%.

Several factors contribute to the string of rising bond prices. First, the Federal Reserve has not only held rates near zero but also positioned itself as the equivalent of a baseball backstop for both municipal and corporate bonds with liquidity programs that have lulled markets into thinking they are protected from wild pitches. Second, whether or not historic data is relevant to the current times, analysts continue to point to an “error rate” for munis that remains extremely low. Moody’s data from 1970 through 2019 shows that the average five-year annual default rate for its rated municipal bonds was 0.08%. Corporate bonds, which have lower ratings, had a 6.7% default rate over the same period. Third, cash that has been sitting on the sidelines continues to pour into the mutual funds and ETFs from households and institutions; Lipper reported $2.1 billion of municipal inflows and $11 billion of taxable bond fund inflows for the week ended July 22. Fourth, many corporations have paused or cut stock dividends, causing some to exit the equity markets and look to the bond markets for less volatile and more reliable sources of income.

A fifth factor, and one of the most significant, involves the supply/demand imbalance. The low rate environment and need to bolster liquidity to survive a pandemic of uncertain length and effect, has caused a record surge in taxable bond issuance. The U.S. Treasury has borrowed more than $3.4 trillion as of June 30 and plans another $677 billion of debt issuance by the end of the third quarter. Corporation have issued more than $1.2 trillion of investment grade debt and $230 billion of below-investment grade debt so far this year. The year-to-date supply of municipal bonds totals $239 billion, up 25% from last year at this time, despite the pullback in issuance during volatile conditions in March. But an increasing percentage of this debt is coming in the form of taxable issues for hospitals, colleges and large borrowers refinancing debt under the 2018 tax law. So far this year there have been about $69 billion of taxable munis issued; this month, taxable munis are expected to exceed 50% of new issuance according to Municipal Market Advisors. This exacerbates the supply/demand imbalance for tax-exempts which are being sought in great part to offset the loss of state and local tax deduction. The loss was felt by millions again on July 15, the tax filing deadline that was extended due to the coronavirus.

Major bondbuyers — life, property and casualty insurers, pension funds, and foreign institutions have become switch hitters — crossing over into the muni space historically dominated by U.S. households. As sovereign and corporate yields have plummeted under fiscal and monetary policy, and negative yielding debt approaches $15 trillion, tax-exempt and taxable U.S. muni yields are waving buyers in like a third base coach. The 30-year A rated taxable muni yield was 2.94% on Monday, versus 2.76% for the comparable A rated corporate maturity and 1.88% for the comparable A rated tax-exempt.

As we approach August 1, the municipal market is expected to see the largest of the year’s major coupon, call, and principal maturities deliver even more cash to an undersupplied market. Investors will not find as much in the way of pinch runners as they would like. Yields are lower across the board. Dealer inventories are at also at historic lows. Many of the bonds in the few bid-wanted “rosters” in circulation have yields so low that they are in fact negative after accounting for fees and inflation.

The new issue market has been the only game in town for buyers of yield. This week’s calendar will likely come in under $7 billion, so there will not be enough to go around. Last week in the high yield sector, we saw five charter schools. Warren Academy of Michigan came to market with a non-rated $9.6 million limited offering structured with a 30-year maturity that priced at a premium 5.50% to yield 5.45%. Landmark Academy in Michigan sold $13.4 million of BB rated bonds that had a maximum yield of 5.00% in 2045. The College Prep Middle School in Spring Valley, California placed $12 million of non-rated bonds at par to yield 5.00%. MAST Community Charter School in Philadelphia had a $27.7 million financing with BBB-minus rated bonds structured with a 2050 term maturity priced with a 5.00% coupon to yield 3.32%. And Renaissance Charter in Florida borrowed $66.1 million in a non-rated financing that included 30 year bonds priced at 5.00% to yield 4.375%. The Sweet Galilee at the Wigwam assisted living community in Anderson, Indiana brought a $22.4 million non-rated transaction priced at par to yield 5.375% in 2040. The White River Health System in Arkansas had $32.6 million BBB-minus rated bonds issued through the City of Batesville that had a final maturity in 2032 priced with a coupon of 3.25% at a discount to yield 3.35%. McLean Affiliates in Simsbury, Connecticut brought a $64.8 million BB+ rated bond financing due in 2026 and priced at par to yield 2.75%. And Navistar International Corporation had a $225 million B3 rated financing priced at par to yield 4.75% in 20 years.

U.S. Corporations are in the process of reporting second quarter earnings which, while devastating, are in many cases slightly better than feared. Through last Friday, more than a quarter of S&P 500 companies have announced results. Losses larger than those taken at the height of the last recession have not, however, steered investors away from the stock or corporate bond markets. The Dow gave up 202 points last week to close at 26,469. The index is down 7.25% on the year but has crawled back from its March low of 18,591. The S&P 500 lost 9 points but has erased nearly all its early season pandemic loss and is nearly flat in 2020. A handful of all-star technology stocks have caused The Nasdaq to outperform; although the index fell 140 points last week, is up 15.5% this year. Oil held steady at $41.29 but is off 32% since January. Gold has rallied to record highs; last week prices per ounce rose $92 or 5% and are currently 28% or $473 higher than where they started the year.

HJ Sims has been working with a number of nonprofit and for-profit borrowers to help them take advantage of current market conditions and opportunities. Our traders and advisors have been proactive in working with our investing clients on portfolio reviews, swaps and recommendations for strategically putting free cash to work. We are closely following some of the trends in credit impairments and encourage careful and regular professional surveillance of holdings to ensure that current risk limits and future income needs are in line. Those taking summer staycations, those with time to spare when MLB games are postponed, and those doing quarterly or mid-year reviews can benefit from a conversation with their HJ Sims

Market Commentary: The Storm of Alternative Currency

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One hour east of Austin, the small post-industrial city of Rockdale, Texas has been suffering through a bit of an identity crisis. Its roots date back to 1873 and its history is largely tied to the expansion of railroad lines hauling local cotton and coal. The salad days for this community began in 1920 when oil was first discovered. Life there only got better in 1952 when the Aluminum Company of America opened the largest smelting operation in the country, eventually producing 1.67 million pounds of aluminum a day for use in everything from U.S. skyscrapers to fighter planes. A Saturday Evening Post article immediately featured Rockdale as “The Little Town That Rained Money”, and these were happy days for everyone. Governing recently reported that, together with the adjacent power plant and mine, Rockdale Works employed about 2,000 locals at its peak. But in 2008, the company announced that it was shutting down all aluminum production due to market conditions. The plant started laying off workers and finally closed in 2014.

Things reached rock bottom for the small city and surrounding Milam County when both local hospitals closed, but then two miracles occurred. The high school football team won the 2017 state championship and the big Chinese company Bitmain arrived with a $500 million plan to build a mammoth plant with 325,000 cryptocurrency mining computers on the old Alcoa site. Unfortunately, the price of bitcoin plummeted in 2018, and the project was dramatically scaled back.

There was national media coverage of Rockdale’s bad turn of events, however, and the area came to attract the attention of another company: the Whinstone Group, a subsidiary of Germany’s Northern Data AG. Whinstone is now constructing one of the largest bitcoin computing mines in the world in Rockdale. So, there are now two crypto mining operations setting up rows of tall computer servers running the lengths of multiple hometown “Tiger” football fields. These mining machines will be used to build a blockchain needed to unlock as much as possible of the limited supply of bitcoins that becomes available. The world’s top operators run thousands of miners and consume massive amounts of electricity to obtain the cryptocurrency, but facilities in this city, county and state are now becoming global competitors. Texas has formed a Blockchain Council to make the state a leader in national blockchain growth, education and business development. Rockdale is simply hoping to become the Little Town That Rained Cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin, first proposed by an anonymous programmer in a 2008 white paper, is a decentralized, independent, digital currency, not regulated or associated with any one country or authorized by a central issuer. It made the headlines this week when Twitter was hacked and several noteworthy user accounts were used to post a crypto giveaway scam. Some consider cryptocurrencies to be worthless or fraudulent and there has been talk of a U.S. ban, but others such as the former chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are lobbying for a U.S. central bank digital currency.

The cryptocurrency creation process is hard to explain as are the transactions which are performed in a network maintained by miners who process and verify them through algorithms. But there is no doubt that institutional demand for the end product is growing; Grayscale’s Bitcoin Investment Trust reported $1 billion of inflows in the most recent quarter. In addition, the pandemic has caused something of a coin shortage such that some banks are offering $5 for every $100 worth of coins brought in from piggy banks and couch cushions. Many businesses are no longer accepting paper currency for fear that it can be a vector for spreading coronavirus.

These days, we find that our lives and routines are changing in so many ways, perhaps permanently. Alternative currencies may in fact continue to become more popular. Major companies including AT&T, Expedia, Microsoft, and PayPal already accept cryptocurrency. At the time of this writing, one bitcoin is worth $9,361.16, up from $5,082.26 in mid-March, but down from its all-time high of $18,571.57 in late December 2017.

Money is all forms is central to every discussion at present. Federal grants and loans have rained on America since March. The Administration and Congress are debating a fifth aid package to extend unemployment assistance and provide additional funding for essential service providers. Furloughed workers are taking withdrawals from retirement accounts. Households are adjusting budgets to meet the new realities created by the pandemic. Students considering a return to campus are negotiating with colleges for more financial aid. Caribbean nations are selling residency certificates, passports and citizenships for major contributions. Corporations are borrowing at record paces. State and local governments, agencies, and nonprofits faced with major revenue losses are taking on new debt at very low rates and lots of investors are wrestling for access to their bonds. OPEC+ is adjusting production limits to maintain prices in the $40-$50 range. Law firms are filing wrongful Covid-19 death tort lawsuits in pursuit of high-dollar damages or settlements. With only 100 days to go until election day, political candidates are asking for lots more donations.

Earnings season began and the first few 2Q20 reports were terrible, as expected, but not as awful as some feared. Covid-19 cases have been increasing, the prospects for recovery remain uncertain, and many cities and states are starting to reverse some re-openings. But traders continue to look to every bright side. The Nasdaq has hit another all-time high and has gained 4.4% since the start of July; the Dow is up 3.3% and the S&P 500 has gained 4%. The investment grade corporate bond calendar totaled $11 billion last week, bringing the year-to-date total to an astonishing $1.2 trillion. The high yield corporate slate, led by Carnival Cruise and Norwegian, added up to $6 billion and mutual fund inflows exceeded $840 million. On the commodity side, gold futures have seen 6 weeks of gains. Oil prices have climbed 3.4% to $40.59 a barrel and gold is up 1.5% to $ 1,810 per ounce.

The U.S. Treasury has also strengthened in July, although not as much as tax-exempts. The 2-year is flat on the month at 0.14%, the 10- year yield is down 3 basis points to 0.62% and the 30-year at 1.32% has fallen 9 basis points. In the municipal bond market, customer selling was at the low point of the year last week and investors are refusing to part with their higher coupon holdings. Primary dealer inventory is at all-time lows. The new issue calendar this week should exceed $8 billion but that will not be able to satisfy the relentless four month-long demand. As of the close on Friday, the 2 -year muni AAA general obligation benchmark yield has fallen 10 basis points to 0.17% so far in July, the 10-year yield has fallen 15 basis points to 0.75% and the 30-year at 1.47% is down 16 basis points. The only thing placing a lid on a bigger rally is the unbelievable upswing in higher risk equity markets.

Market Commentary: Have We Got This Handled?

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The open prairies, sandstone quarries, and coal mines gracing the land halfway between the cities of Seattle and Portland in Washington attracted many American settlers back in the 1860s and the Town of Tenino became a popular whistle stop on the Northern Pacific Railroad route. The Town’s fifteen minutes of fame came some seventy years later during the Great Depression when the Citizens Bank closed, all bank accounts were frozen, and cash became very scarce. In December 1931, the local chamber of commerce came up with the idea of issuing Tenino Wooden Dollars to restore confidence and spur commerce. The scrip was printed in one-dollar denominations and was redeemable in Thurston County stores during the month it was issued. The alternative currency circulated for two years. Ninety years later, the community decided to break out those old wooden presses again to help workers who have lost income due to the pandemic. Residents are eligible for up to $300 a month to spend for necessities and services from local providers. The bills are made of wood veneer, issued in $25 denominations, and engraved with the Latin phrase Habemus autem sub potestate, translated as “We’ve Got This Handled.”

Communities with less than 2,000 people like Tenino, as well as cities with more than 1.5 million across the country and around the world have been taking maximum advantage of state, federal and private aid but have also been coming up with their own creative solutions to handle a wide range of individual needs as the pandemic rages. A focus on the health and safety of neighbors, customers and employees is in fact contributing to the demise of coin and currency usage. Cashless, contactless transactions have been increasing as case counts have surged. At this writing, there are more than 3.4 million confirmed cases in the U.S. and there have been 136,463 deaths. The Centers for Disease Control reports an overall cumulative Covid-19 hospitalization rate at 107.2 per 100,000, and the median cost of each stay is $45,000. The number of employed workers has fallen to 137.8 million, down 14.7 million from the 152.5 million reported in February. More than 32.9 million Americans were receiving some type of unemployment assistance as of June 20. At the end of the month we will have the first estimate of second quarter growth but it is estimated to show a drop of at least 30%.

U.S. financial markets appear convinced that there is a fall safety net beneath them, fashioned with the shock absorbing synthetic mesh of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury. Many investors feel certain that a worsening of the pandemic will only produce more stimulus, making COVID-19 in the words of one trader “inversely related” to market performance. But the massive social and economic disruptions and mitigation response that have produced a $2.7 trillion U.S. budget deficit and $7 trillion Fed balance sheet nine months into the fiscal year seem destined to create at least a few market bubbles.

For five months now, we have been relying on government officials to handle decisions affecting just about every waking hour of our lives. They exercise unprecedented control over our whereabouts and activities and, in the process, we have lost so many of our most pleasant summer distractions. Vacations are being postponed, barbecues limited, beaches closed. We miss seeing our favorite seasonal competitions for baseball’s all-star MVP, the Tour de France’s yellow jersey, the British Open’s Claret Jug, and Wimbledon’s trophies. Instead, we listen to the field chatter of central bank officials, follow the wrestling matches involving teachers’ unions and epidemiologists and parents over fall school openings, make wagers on the changing names of professional football teams, and cheer or boo some of the more unusual alliances formed in recent U.S. Supreme Court opinions. In one such ruling last week, the Court decided that nearly half of Oklahoma is Native American reservation land allocated under an 1866 treaty, suddenly raising a host of new tax, zoning, and law enforcement issues for 39 counties.

This week, taxpayers are scrambling to finish 2019 returns after a three-month blanket extension granted for state and federal filers. Traders are watching the first reports of second quarter corporate earnings, assuming that the worst of the coronavirus impact will be reflected therein, more interested in the forward guidance offered by chief executives and progress on vaccine trials. It is hard to say at this point whether the markets have baked in some of the uglier possible scenarios. The S&P 500 is currently trading at 25 times estimated earnings, the highest point since the era of the dot-coms. It has risen 42% since its low point in March 23. A record $184 billion was raised in U.S. equity capital markets in the second quarter according to Refinitiv IFR data. Investors are also fueling rallies in the bond markets. The $1.2 trillion of investment grade corporate bond issuance in the first half of the year is the highest on record. Municipal bond mutual fund and ETF flows have been positive for 10 consecutive weeks, and the ICE BoAML tax-exempt muni index has seen 10 straight weeks of positive returns.

The municipal bond calendar may total as much as $14 billion this week, with nearly $5 billion coming as federally taxable bonds, led by hospital, college, port and airport deals. The 30-day visible supply exceeds $19.1 billion, a high reached only on seven other occasions according to Municipal Market Advisors. On the corporate bond side, investment grade issuance is expected to come in at $20 billion, bringing us closer to a July total of $100 billion. The high yield corporate calendar changes daily; so far this year, new issue volume adds up to more than $219 billion. At this writing, the 10-year Baa corporate bond yield stands at 3.28%, 11 basis points lower on the month. The 2-year AAA rated municipal general obligation bond yield at 0.24% is down 3 basis points on the month while the 2-year Treasury yield is basically flat at 0.15%. The 10-year muni benchmark yield at 0.81% has fallen 9 basis points, outperforming the Treasury 10-year counterpart, nearly flat at 0.64%. The 30-year muni benchmark yield at 1.53% is 10 basis points lower as compared to the 30-year Treasury at 1.33%, which is down 8 basis points in July. The long muni has not seen a 2-handle or 2% yield since May 7; the long bond has not seen a 2-handle since February 19.

Market Commentary: Finding Our Way Out and Up at Mid-Year

While The Year of the Rat was doomed from the start according to some Eastern astrologers, we all root for a reversal in the second half of 2020 as we mourn the more than 545,000 lives lost to Covid-19 worldwide, including 131,500 in the U.S., at this writing. Needless to say, we are also still counting the toll taken on many of our neighborhood businesses: barber shops, restaurants, dry cleaners, and hotels. Many national names that became local favorites as well have filed for bankruptcy: Hertz, Gold’s Gym, GNC, Neiman Marcus, Brooks Brothers. One hometown, Fairfield, Alabama itself filed for Chapter 9 in May; its financial troubles date back to the closures of a U.S. Steel mill and Walmart Supercenter five years ago but this pandemic proved to be the last straw.

The first two quarters of the year are in the rearview mirror now. Many unknowns lie ahead: the availability of a vaccine, where we are in the lifecycle of SARS-CoV-2, election outcomes less than four months away. We cling to assurances from our central bank that rates will remain at near zero, likely through 2022, and that the Fed together with the U.S. Treasury stand ready to quickly iron out the major wrinkles and puckers that afflict the fabric of our economy. The cost is enormous and will be born by this and future generations. Our national debt exceeds $26.4 trillion. The Fed balance sheet has expanded to $7 trillion; more than $2 trillion of Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities have been purchased with no limit on future buys, and no less than 11 emergency facilities have been rolled out to prop up wobbling markets, including municipal and corporate bonds. The scope and scale of these programs, we are assured, will be magically increased as necessary.

The new decade started out on such a good roll. There had been predictions of an imminent recession for several years, but the U.S. economy was firing on all cylinders and nearly every financial market sector was rallying in an expansion that would last an astonishing 128 months. Six months ago, no one would have believed that the entire world could be simultaneously toppled. We could not imagine that our tightly packed subways and buses in New York City would be virtually empty for months with ridership now down 53% at this writing. It was impossible to think that our children would all be home-schooled, that chemotherapy treatments would be canceled, that almost every Mom and Pop shop on Main Street would close, that our skyscrapers and trading floors would be vacated. Whole new words, phrases, and behaviors have entered our vocabulary: zoonosis, aerosolized droplets, N-95 mask, co-morbidity, face shields, nitrile gloves, superspreaders, viral shedding, social distancing, contact tracing, liquidity facility, yield curve control.

Debates will rage for years over the approaches taken by local, state and federal officials during this pandemic. The permanent damage from the disease as well as some governmental policies cannot be assessed yet. We are still trying to collect data we never knew we needed. But green shoots as well as superstars have emerged. New entrepreneurs have sprouted, new business models crafted. Population shifts are underway. We are finding our way out and up.

On Saturday, we celebrated the 244th anniversary of American independence while recognizing just how dependent we are – on information technology, on our hospitals and doctors, researchers, public safety officials, life care providers, pharmacists, manufacturers, truckers, and grocery stockers, to name a few. But we Americans prove time and time again how resilient we are. Nonfarm payroll data is coming in well above expectations. Pending home sales were up a record 44% in May. Consumer confidence saw its biggest jump since late 2011. U.S. manufacturing just hit a 14-month high.

Summer is now upon us. We are weary of our lockdowns, worried about the new strain of H1N1 swine flu virus appearing in China or another black swan event, and anxious for a break, a pause, some respite, a vacation. There is pressure on Congress to act on another stimulus before they take their next recess. There is little agreement among economists on the shape and timing of this recovery and what measures are still needed. A number of proposals are circulating: infrastructure, direct aid, business liability limits, the restoration of advance refundings, and Build America Bonds. But as we head deeply into campaign season, most everything has become politicized and issues long bubbling below the surface have boiled over. The threat of a second Covid phase this fall or winter also looms large; a number of states are already seeing new outbreaks among younger populations. Some re-openings are being pushed back or reversed. State and local leaders are struggling with issues attendant to re-opening schools, protecting frail elders; hospitals are seeing new cases, and some patients are reluctant to resume the elective surgeries that generate the revenue that keeps health care systems running.

In the municipal market, muni bond funds have seen inflows for eight straight weeks after experiencing after experiencing record-setting outflows this past Spring. Muni mutual fund assets stand at $771.4 billion down from $814.1 billion at the start of the year. Muni ETF assets total $54.1 billion, up from $49.1 billion in January. The primary calendar is almost back to normal although taxable issuance, including munis issued with corporate CUSIPs, have taken over 25% of the calendar. The slate is dominated by colleges, hospitals, and state general obligation bonds. Note issuance is up 28% over last year and total issuance is at $193.6 billion is 15% higher than last year at this time. We are in the midst of peak redemption season so redemptions, maturing and called bonds will bring in $17 billion more in cash than available supply. The same is true for August, so that bodes well for prices and the reception for new issues through Labor Day.

Some investors have ventured far out on the risk scale, believing that there is an implicit backstop from Washington for just about everything. Others see markets behaving in a manner entirely inconsistent with the economy and sit idle while admitting to a fear of missing out. Money market funds received more than $1.2 trillion of new money between March and May, as investors liquidated some holdings and parked cash from dividend, coupon, maturing and called bonds.

Among the best performers at halftime, gold is up 17% year-to-date, convertible bonds are up 13.13% , the Nasdaq has gained 12.74%, AAA-rated corporate bonds are up 9.42%, U.S. Treasuries 9.02%, and taxable munis 8.13%. In the corporate high yield sector, food and retail is up 5%.

At the close on June 30, the 2-year AAA municipal general obligation bond yield stood at 0.27% versus the comparable U.S. Treasury at 0.14%. The 10-year muni yield was 0.90% while the 10-year Treasury yielded 0.65%. The 30-year tax-exempt benchmark yield was 1.63% versus the long Treasury bond at 1.41%. During the first half of the year, tax-exempt yields declined an average of 59 basis points across the curve. Treasury yields have dropped an average of 122 basis points. Ten-year BAA corporate bond yields have fallen by 31 basis points. The Dow Industrials fell 9.55% during the first half of the year to close at 25,812. The S&P 500 finished at 3,100, down 4% from January. The Nasdaq topped 10,000 for the first time ever. The Russell 2000 fell nearly 14% to 1,441. Oil prices have climbed back after a dramatic fall into negative territory, but were still down 36% on the year at June 30 to $39.27. Gold prices climbed by $261 an ounce to $1,783.

Some industry professionals encourage investors to place cash in ETFs until there is more clarity on the path of the pandemic, the impact that it had on second quarter performance, and prospects for the second half of this unforgettable year. For those investors with low rate fatigue who are focused on generating income but wary of the risk in equities and certain credits, we encourage you to contact your HJ Sims advisor to review your portfolio and make recommendations on some of the many individual bonds that we underwrite or trade, analyze and surveil, that could be better suited to your investment needs and risk tolerance. For those looking to enter the market to take advantage of this low rate environment and wide range of financing and refinancing options, we invite you to contact our investment banking team.

Market Commentary: Lifelines and Safety Nets

Everything comes to pass and nothing comes to stay. This is the message, usually comforting and reassuring, delivered in sermons, therapy sessions, or along with a bear hug from grandma. Covid-19 has already been an abhorrent presence for too long, and it cannot pass quickly enough for any of us, especially for its principal victims: those with serious underlying medical conditions and those over 65. Medicare is the federal health insurance program for those of us in this age group or with certain disabilities. More than 62 million Americans, nearly 19% of our population, now fall into one of these categories. In data released on Monday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that, between January 1 and May 16, there were 326,674 Medicare recipients diagnosed with Covid-19, with peak counts coming between mid-April and early May. The percentage of men and women affected was nearly equal, as was the percentage of the aged and disabled, but the agency found disproportionately higher counts in those over 85 as well as in Black enrollees, those in lower income brackets, and those from urban areas. Of all diagnosed, 109,607 or 33% required hospitalization at an average cost of $23,100 per patient. Twenty-seven percent of those admitted were successfully treated and went home, 23% were discharged to a skilled nursing or assisted living facility, 5% went to hospice care, and 28% died in the hospital.

There are 6,146 hospitals here in the United States and, at last count by the American Hospital Association (“AHA”), they have an average occupancy of 60%. Altogether they have 924,107 staffed beds or 2.8 beds available for every 1,000 people. And, every second of every hour of every day, at least one patient is being checked in. Hospital staff began preparing for chaos early this year, they opened satellites in gyms and convention centers, rationed masks and ventilators, and saw pandemic-related spikes in admissions mid-Spring. Many now face new surges and wonder, what comes next? The paradox is that hospitals are the only place where the word “positive” is a bad thing.

On an annual basis, for one reason or another, 34.2 million of us will be admitted to what is known as a community hospital. The AHA defines such facilities as non-federal hospitals serving the general public with average lengths of stay under 30 days; others define them as hospitals with fewer than 550 beds and minimal teaching programs, typically located in a smaller town and locally governed. Fifty-eight percent of us live less than five miles away from a community hospital but–even if the closest one is 25 or more miles away–we can all immediately call to mind the one nearest us where our babies were born, the place we rushed to at 3 am when an alarming symptom appeared, where we celebrated a miracle cure or lost someone we love, where we can count on facts and empathy from doctors and nurses because they are also neighbors and friends. These hospitals are among our largest local employers and serve as a central resource not only for acute care but also for counseling, housing, shelter, job training, and long-term care placement. Some are actually designated as “safety nets” when in fact they all are. In every sense, our community hospitals are not only essential service providers but the true lifelines of our communities.

At HJ Sims, we remain big believers in not-for-profit community hospitals and are investors in the bonds that they issue. Our traders and analysts take a close look at individual credits which vary widely by location, size, level of care, specialization, ownership, management quality and function. We like many critical access hospitals–those with 25 or fewer inpatient beds located more than 35 miles from another hospital. We consider inpatient and outpatient revenue, operational challenges such as nursing shortages, operational efficiencies such as sponsored or acquired health plans, competitors with major market share, government payor mixes, area demographics, charity care, and the emergence of nontraditional disruptors like Amazon. Since the pandemic hit, we have been monitoring the amount of federal assistance received, the increased use of telemedicine, the resumption of elective surgeries, the levels of hazard pay wage increases, and the likelihood of consolidations, particularly for rural hospitals under the most financial stress.

On April 10, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services began distributing the first of $175 billion of relief funds to hospitals and health care providers. Although federal aid has offset some of the increased expenses and revenue losses attributed to the pandemic, many hospitals have nevertheless had to delay capital projects, furlough staff, and make pay cuts. Some entered the crisis with strong cash positions and are in locations that have been less severely impacted. Others have been slammed and, lacking further aid, may soon breach their bond covenants. Although it is unlikely that debt service payments will be missed, each situation varies depending on the depth and extent of the pandemic, its spread in the community, and the timing of successful treatments and vaccines. Financial challenges posed by dwindling patient volumes, increased competition, rising costs, and reduced reimbursements have already led to the closure or bankruptcy of at least 42 hospitals so far this year.

Our day to day inventory of hospital bonds varies but we have access to a wide array in different rating, geographic and functional categories. At this writing, we own and offer, for example, New Jersey bonds issued for AA- rated RWJ Barnabas Health, the largest academic healthcare system in the state by virtue of its affiliation with Rutgers University and one of the state’s largest private employers with 11 acute care hospitals, 4 children’s hospitals, and the state’s largest behavioral health network. At the time of its last financial report on March 31, the system had 274 days cash on hand and covered its debt service by 3.9 times. These bonds will likely be sold by the time of this publication, but we welcome inquiries for this or similar credits. The primary calendar has recently been heavy with health care deals as institutions look to refinance or bolster liquidity. In the market last week for example, Spartanburg Regional Medical Center in South Carolina, a tertiary care hospital with the first regional heart center and in-patient hospice unit in the two Carolinas, sold $125 million of insured A3/A rated revenue bonds that included a 20 year tax-exempt term maturity priced at 3.00% to yield 3.02% and taxable muni bonds due in 2050 at par to yield 3.553%. The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, the top cancer treatment and research center in Washington state, issued $232.9 million of A2 rated revenue bonds; the maximum yield bonds in 2055 came with a coupon of 5.00% to yield 2.66%.

This week’s calendar includes tax-exempt and taxable bond issues totaling $350 million for Aa1 rated Intermountain Healthcare, a system of 24 hospitals based in Salt Lake City. On the forward calendar is a $32.1 million deal for BBB- rated White River Medical Center and Stone County Medical Center which together serve 10 counties in North Central Arkansas. The California Health Facilities Financing Authority also plans to bring a $145 million issue for AA rated Stanford Health Care in Palo Alto, the principal teaching affiliate of Stanford University School of Medicine.

The AAA general obligation bond benchmark yields are significantly below where they began the year and where they stood one year ago. The 2-year at 0.27% is 77 basis points below the yield on January 2, the 10-year at 0.88% is 56 basis points lower, and the 30-year at 1.66% has dropped by 43 basis points. One year ago, these benchmark yields were at 1.27%, 1.63% and 2.32%, respectively. So far this year, hospital bonds as measured by the ICE Bank of America Merrill Lynch Hospital Index, have returned 1.42%. The ICE BoAML main gauge of municipal bond performance is up 1.78% and its taxable municipal bond index is up 7.31%.

Market Commentary: Summer Palace

The Beverly Hills Hotel, subject of the 1977 Eagles classic rock and roll platinum album, is among the California hotels where you are welcome to check in anytime you like. The 108 year-old Pink Palace with its five-star luxury suites and bungalows, long associated with honeymoons and Hollywood, are open although spa services have not resumed yet. Denver’s Brown Palace, which just re-opened after a 64-night shutdown, the first in its 128-year history, is back to offering manicures and massages as well as its iconic afternoon tea. Nationwide, hotel occupancy rates have been slowly rising since April, when they reached a low of 21%. There have been one or two point gains almost weekly in May and June, so reservations have crept up to 36.4% in the most recent week tracked by data firm STR.

All classes of lodging are reporting rates over 20 percent now with the economy bracket showing the best improvement. Many hotels were deemed essential businesses at the state and local level, and have remained open to house medical workers and non-critical patients. But as stay-at-home orders ease, Americans are arranging for some getaways. Among the hotel markets with the fastest improving figures are Virginia Beach, Phoenix, and Philadelphia. In central business districts such as the one in Chicago, however, occupancy is still stuck in the 16% range and it may take two or more years before corporate travel returns to pre-pandemic levels. New York’s hotel industry has perhaps been hardest hit; as many as 25,000 rooms or 20 percent of the city’s total, may never reopen in their current form or under current ownership.

Since March, when travel came to a virtual standstill, an estimated 83% of hotel debt borrowers have asked their lenders for forbearance or payment deferral on loans according to the American Hotel and Lodging Association. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports unemployment in the leisure and hospitality industry at 35.9% in May; the number of workers has fallen from 16.8 million in February to 9.8 million. Hyatt just announced that it is cutting 22% of its global workforce and extending pay cuts, reduced hours and furloughs for another three months.

So, what is the future of our hotels, valets, concierges, chefs, and housekeepers in the post CV-19 world? When will we leave the palaces we call home and again feel comfortable staying at, eating in, and enjoying the facilities, features and attractions they offer in major cities, quaint towns, and bucket-list destinations such as the palaces of Versailles and Buckingham?

The answers seem to hinge on more widespread antibody testing as well as our acceptance of data, social distancing regimens, vaccines and treatments. The future of this industry is also closely tied to the airlines, how safe we perceive planes to be, how businesses view the necessity and liability of travel. Some analysts expect that drive-to and limited service hotels will come back first and indeed leisure travelers are starting to take short road trips. But various state restrictions with respect to quarantining and rentals still apply and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still post alarming warnings of the associated risks of getting and spreading Covid-19. In the meantime, hotels are struggling to address key concerns via contact-free check-ins and rigorous cleaning and safety protocols. Marriott has overhauled its housekeeping practices, Hilton has partnered with Lysol, and Westin is introducing UV light-zapping robots.

The overall growth in the economy is generally expected to lead to a rebound in the hotel industry when we take to the roadways and skies again. The IMF estimates the global economy will expand by 5.8%, and the U.S. economy by 4.7%, in 2021. The Federal Reserve estimates that our economy will shrink by 6.5% this year, then grow by 5% in 2021. In testimony before Congress this week, Fed Chair Powell described three phases related to the pandemic and our recovery. The initial phase of course was the shutdown. Now he believes we are entering the second stage, a bounce-back, evidenced by the drop in the unemployment rate and record 117.7% spike in May retail sales. While continuing to pledge the use of all available tools to help bring about robust growth, he noted that there is still great uncertainty due to rising case counts, consumer fears, and the substantial damage done to many industries. A full recovery is unlikely, he noted, until the public is confident that the disease is contained.

Fallout from the coronavirus has left no sector of our economy untouched, but it is hard to tell by looking at the stock market. Since the end of February, the Dow has gained 3.5%, the S&P 500 5.8% and the Nasdaq 16%. Equity investors are casting many virus-related worries aside, feeling confident in government and central bank stimulus and better than expected economic numbers. Since the pandemic was declared on March 11, Hilton Hotels (NYSE: HLT) stock prices are up 40 percent from their low on April 3, Marriott (Nasdaq: MAR) is up 59 percent from its low on the same date, and Hyatt (NYSE: H) has gained 55% from where it sank on March 18. The prices of 30-year BB rated Hilton corporate bonds have increased by 35% from their pandemic lows in March to $104.329 at this writing. At $98.345, Baa3 rated Marriott Corporation bonds with a similar maturity are also up 35%, and Baa3 rated Hyatt bonds at $103.50 have gained 30%.

Despite the massive increase in U.S. Treasury bond issuance to finance the stimulus, demand has remained steady for the world’s haven asset and yields low. The 2-year Treasury yield has fallen 34 basis points to 0.19% since the pandemic was declared. At this writing, the 10-year yield at 0.75% is down 5 basis points, and the 30-year yield at 1.54% is only 27 basis points off its low. Similarly, municipal bonds have demonstrated remarkable resilience. Two-year tax-exempt AAA rated general obligation bond yields at 0.25% are 30 basis points below where they stood in mid-March. The 10-year benchmark at 0.87% is 4 basis points lower while the 30-year yield at 1.64% s only 9 basis points higher. The municipal new issue calendar has been very well received, municipal bond mutual fund flows have been net positive for six consecutive weeks, and daily customer “buy” trades have exceeded “sell” volume since March 17. Last week we saw a Ba2 rated Texas charter school with a 30-year maturity price with a coupon of 5.00% to yield 4.80% and two non-rated limited offerings: a Florida charter school financing due in 2055 priced at par to yield 6.00%, and a California charter school deal priced at par to yield 6.25%.

At HJ Sims, we believe in the outcome of income. Our bankers, traders and advisors are hard at work every day delivering revenue-maximizing and income-generating ideas for our clients. We have a nice pipeline of senior living financings to benefit non-profit and for-profit partners who have been waiting for conditions like these. We read that assets in money market funds have ballooned to $4.6 trillion, the highest level on record, up $1 trillion so far this year, and reach out to our clients all day long with specific proposals for putting their cash to work in smart ways that are in line with their respective risk tolerances.

With many public companies eliminating dividends to protect liquidity, we find that the steady interest, monthly or semi-annual, produced by higher yielding corporate and municipal bonds to be the right solution for many investors. Whether on Elm Street or Rodeo Drive, as you prepare to celebrate the official start to Summer, pay tribute to the fantastic fathers in your life, and mark the midway point in the year, we invite you to make an appointment with your HJ Sims advisor to discuss your income needs, your views on the economic recovery, and your interest in the opportunities being identified by our traders in sectors including hotels, airlines, schools, and senior living.

Market Commentary: Paradise

In twenty U.S. states there is a town or city called Paradise. In Michigan, there are two. At one point there were 36 different communities with that name. In Indiana, it was believed to be the ideal location for mining; in Montana, fishing. In California, it was the perfect spot for filming scenes from Gone With the Wind. The one in Nevada was created in 1950 so that its five casinos could avoid paying taxes to the city of Las Vegas. Because gambling produced so much revenue, mob-run businesses once paid for all the services they needed out of pocket, using their own private security instead of relying on local or county law enforcement. Paradise, Nevada is still an unincorporated section of Clark County, home to most of the Las Vegas Strip although The Pair-O-Dice is no longer open; its citizens are now served by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

There is some talk of late that having a police-free society would be paradise, or at least an improvement over some of conditions that exist in several parts of the country. Since 1751, when the first city police services began in Philadelphia and the first police department was created in New York in 1854, we have come to expect nearly the impossible of our men and women in blue. We cannot overlook evidence of brutality, nor can we discount the sacrifices or forget that more than 22,217 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty. Right now, we have 17,985 police agencies based as far north as Point Barrow, Alaska and as far south as Ka Lae, Hawaii with more than 1.1 million full-time employees. In the wake of dozens of senseless deaths roiling American cities these past two weeks, we welcome civil debate over how some of the $100 billion of our tax dollars spent every year on crime prevention and protection of the citizenry should be redirected or supplemented with training programs, employment screening, and broader initiatives tackling poverty, homelessness, mental health, drug addiction and troubled youth.

With the exception of the 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, the financial markets have not paused for a second in recent weeks over headline news of protests, riots, looting, COVID-19 case counts, corporate bankruptcies, widespread continuing unemployment, coming elections, or anything else going on here or abroad. There is simply very little if any correlation between our actual economy and the performance of Dow, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq. To Main Street, where going out for a mere cheeseburger seems like paradise, the endless rally is surreal. We know that Wall Street tends to discount background noise and look for blue skies. We also know that the indices reflecting gains are driven by a shrinking number of firms, heavily weighted by a technology sector that in many ways has benefited from lockdowns and efforts to organize. Most of all, we cannot ignore the Federal Reserve’s massive presence and the market’s near total reliance on its perpetual interventions. The $3 trillion of liquidity support happens to be right in line with the gain in the S&P market capitalization dollar for dollar: from $21.42 trillion in March to $25.24 trillion at the end of May.

The securities industry employs approximately 442,400 and has certainly featured its share of textbook bad actors and felons over the years. Working conditions could not have been more favorable in recent years. Perhaps with the assurance of Fed injections at the first sign of any sniffle, and Congress poised to deliver additional stimulus, the capital markets perceive open-ended tickets to paradise. Conditions for borrowers certainly remain heavenly. But we are now formally in recession after 128 straight months of expansion. On Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research declared that the record-long recovery from the Great Recession ended in February. In the past, the declaration has required consecutive quarters of negative growth. This time, since our economic collapse was rapid, with an unprecedented decline in employment and production driven by pandemic containment policies. The good news is that economists predict that GDP will turn sharply positive in the third quarter as businesses continue to reopen and Americans get back to work. On Wednesday, we will get more color from the Federal Open Market Committee, which meets for the first time since April 29.

During the first trading week of June, the Dow gained nearly 7%, the S&P 500 was up 5%, the Nasdaq rose by 3.5% and the Russell 2000 increased by more than 8%. Oil prices climbed 11% to $39.55 while gold fell by $45 an ounce to $1,685. The rally in corporate bonds continued as well. The yield on 10-year Baa rated corporate securities fell 12 basis points to 3.75%. U.S. Treasury yields rose over the course of a week capped by the unexpected jump in payrolls and drop in unemployment. The 2-year increased by 4 basis points to 0.20% while the 10-year gained 24 basis points to 0.89% and the 30-year added 26 basis points to 1.66%. Municipal bond yields rose as well after seven days of no change, but to a lesser degree than governments. Flows into municipal bond mutual funds totaled $1.2 billion, marking a third consecutive week of net investment, and reception for new issues was solid. The Fed expanded the eligibility for its liquidity fund to smaller municipalities after the State of Illinois became the first to take advantage of the program with a $1.2 billion, one year loan. The 2-year AAA general obligation benchmark finished the week at 0.19%, up three basis points in yield. The 10-year and 30-year yields rose 5 basis points to close at 0.89% and 1.70%, respectively. This week, we encourage you to contact your HJ Sims advisor for opportunities. The muni calendar is expected to exceed $7 billion with a wide range of tax-exempt, taxable and corporate issues.

Market Commentary: Space Tours and Race Wars: A Critical Time

Doug Hurley, 53, of League City, Texas, was a Marine Corps fighter pilot before becoming an astronaut twenty years ago. A graduate of Tulane, known for his call sign “Chunks,” he is married to a fellow astronaut. In July of 2011, his last mission was aboard Atlantis on the final flight of NASA’s space shuttle program. Bob Behnken, 49, a native of St. Ann, Missouri with a doctorate in mechanical engineering from the California Institute of Technology, also joined the NASA astronaut corps in 2000 and married an astronaut from his class. Dubbed “Dr. Bob,” he previously served as a test pilot and flight test engineer in the U.S. Air Force, and is the former Chief of the Astronaut Office. The two retired colonels with numerous distinguished service medals have been close friends for two decades. Today both are aboard the international space station, orbiting 220 miles above Earth after having piloted SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spaceship in a spectacular Falcon 9 rocket launch from Cape Canaveral on Saturday, May 30th. They had worked for years to perfect the brand new “bird,” a brainchild of Elon Musk funded with $3.14 billion of federal tax dollars, becoming not only the first two humans on a commercial spaceflight, but providing a moment of much-needed human triumph for a world marred by pandemic and social unrest.

While much less stunning on the global scale, U.S. financial markets have celebrated some milestones. In May, municipal bonds posted their strongest May price performance in history with the ICE BoAML Index returns up 3.25%, reversing two months of losses and bringing year-to-date returns into positive territory at 0.98%. A total of $3.3 billion poured into municipal bond funds and $1.52 billion into municipal bond ETFs in a reversal of the panicked selling a mere two months ago. The coming June, July and coupons, calls and maturities will produce $20 billion of new cash looking for reinvestment opportunities. With few exceptions, the yields on the coupons cannot be replaced. Short investment grade bonds, when factored for inflation and transaction costs, are in fact negative. The 2-year AAA general obligation bond benchmark yield closed on May 29 at 0.16%, right on top of the U.S. Treasury yield and a full 75 basis points below where it began the month. The 10-year muni at 0.84% fell 62 basis points during the month. State and local issuers are now able to access the markets at rates so low that loans are effectively free, which explains why the June calendar could exceed $40 billion. In May, muni issuance totaled $27.9 billion, of which 42% was taxable, including $5.7 billion through the corporate bond market, and nearly all with investment grade ratings or bond insurance.

The last trading week of May closed with both the Treasury and municipal bond markets relatively range-bound with little change in yields or prices. High yield corporates strengthened by 10 basis points on the long end. The Treasury 5-year auction, one of the latest in a long string, was considered weak while the 7-year auction was described in the trade press as uninspired. This capped a month of larger than expected 10- and 30-year auctions as well as the first 20-year auction since 1986. The Beige Book, a report of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis published eight times per year, reiterated the havoc being wreaked on the economy by the pandemic, lending no new insight or direction to markets clutching for reasons to continue their rallies. However, it started to lay the groundwork for the use of a policy tool with a new name, yield curve control, at a time when so much more than yields appear to be beyond control.

Stocks have cast aside concerns over ugly economic data, Hong Kong, China, and the protests, and riots that has escalated in more than 100 U.S. cities in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, a 46 year-old truck driver and furloughed security guard. The 220 miles around Minneapolis includes 193 counties in seven states but looting and violence quickly spread far beyond that radius. As if in a parallel galaxy, equities, as defined by the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500, all gained more than 4% in May on optimism for progress with treatments and vaccines as well as state and local business re-openings and signs of other major economy recoveries. The Dow finished up 1,037 points, the S&P 500 was 131 points higher, and the Nasdaq gained 6.75% or 600 points. High yield corporate bonds and preferreds have returned more than 9 percent during April and May combined. Oil prices surged $16.65 a barrel or 88% to $35.49 last month, and gold prices increased by 2.5% to $1,730 an ounce.

At this writing, more than 17,000 National Guard troops have been deployed to 23 states to support law enforcement. This is on top of the 45,000 already dedicated to pandemic-related duties in all 50 states. The Federal Reserve, the white knight on which Main Street and Wall Street have relied for solutions to many urgent problems for years, is powerless to quell the social turmoil. Officials are instead entering their traditional blackout period ahead of the June 10 meeting. The damage and destruction to municipal operations and private businesses may not have lasting economic impacts, but the conflicts have further inflamed political divisions likely to persist long after the November elections.

Market Commentary: 57 Varieties

An ambitious young Canadian immigrated to the United States at the age of 29 and began a business in Chicago by selling cheese from the back of a wagon. Six years later, James L. Kraft was joined by three brothers and they soon moved their headquarters to New York. By 1915 they had patented a processed cheese product that did not require refrigeration and sold six million pounds of it to the U.S. Army for military rations. They rebranded as Kraft Cheese Company and captured 40% of the U.S. cheese market before they sold themselves to National Dairy in 1930. Four decades later, the Kraft name was resurrected and the firm began a long series of dizzying mergers and sales until it was acquired by Philip Morris then spun off again. In 2008, Kraft replaced AIG in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and pursued ventures with Group Danone and Cadbury. In 2012, Kraft divided its business into two companies, one focused on grocery product sales in North America, the other on snack product sales worldwide.

Henry J. Heinz, the driven young son of German immigrants was 25 years old when he formed a horseradish packaging company in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania. In 1876 he started another firm with his cousin and brother. Within 20 years he bought them both out and expanded his business line from tomato ketchup and sweet pickles to include more than the “57 Varieties” in his catchy slogan. By 1908, the Pittsburgh-based firm had become the world’s largest tomato manufacturer and, over time, developed marketing innovations ranging from octagon shaped glass bottles to single-container pouches of mustard and relish to commercials set to the hit song “Anticipation.” The company was managed by members of the Heinz family until 1969. Henry was the great-grandfather of U.S. Senator H. John Heinz III and a second cousin twice removed of President Donald J. Trump.

In 2015, Kraft’s parent company merged with H.J. Heinz Holding Corporation in a $23 billion transaction arranged by Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital, two firms that hold a 47% ownership stake. Kraft Foods in Northfield, Illinois became a division and brand within Kraft Heinz Company (NASDAQ: KHC), now the fifth largest food company in the world with 80 factories and $24 billion of annual revenue. The Heinz brand and division in Pittsburgh includes many of the world’s most popular condiment including relish, sauces, gravy, vinegar and baked beans. Kraft’s most popular products include Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Planters Nuts, Jell-O Desserts, Kool Aid, Maxwell House, Oscar Meyer, Nabisco cookies, Cadbury and Toblerone chocolates and, of course, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese which sells one million boxes a day.

The debt-financed merger of the two American success stories has made it rather tough going for shareholders. Market share, revenue and net income have declined along with consumer preferences for fewer packaged foods and the company is reliant on Wal-Mart Stores for more than 20% of its sales. Kraft Heinz has slashed expenses, cut dividends, sold assets, and taken writedowns in an effort to remain competitive. The brand names nevertheless retain huge popularity: during the pandemic lockdowns, pantries around the world have been stocked with Kraft and Heinz staples that are trusted and viewed by consumers as having value. The company is in a defensive sector, one that is likely to remain strong under stay-at-home, eat-at-home scenarios throughout the recession. It has scale and a solid supply chain. In addition, as of March 31, the company had $5.4 billion of cash and a $300 million credit facility still untapped.

Kraft Heinz came to the high yield corporate bond market earlier this month with a $1.5 billion deal funding a tender offer but found enough investor demand to upsize the bond issue to $3.5 billion. This was its first debt raise in the high yield market as the company was downgraded to BB+ by S&P and Fitch who cited a two-year decline in profits, high dividend payouts, and failure to bring its $32 billion debt level down after splurging on acquisitions. Among its outstanding debt, the 4.375% bonds due 6/1/2046 are priced at $92.97 to yield 4.854% at this writing. We compare the yield to that offered by 20-year Treasuries at 1.19%, 30-year Treasuries at 1.43%, 30-year Fannie Maes at 1.55%, and 30-year Baa rated taxable municipal bonds at 3.95%. On the tax-exempt side, Baa3 rated State of Illinois general obligation bonds due in 2045 currently yield 5.17%. For current offerings from our municipal and corporate bond trading desks, please contact your HJ Sims Advisor.

We divert from our usual weekly commentary focused on municipal bonds this week to pay tribute to one of our longtime corporate bond traders, Peter Polakoff, who passed away this week. Peter was a senior vice president in our Boca Raton office for 19 years until he retired after 45-year career in corporate and municipal bond trading. He relished the stories behind each bond and could always find hidden gems among the varieties in our $8 trillion corporate debt market. We at HJ Sims extend our sympathies to his family.

Market Commentary: Frozen Thinking

There is at least one place on Earth untouched by the scourge of the pandemic: it is our driest, windiest, and southernmost point, a place that never had an indigenous population, one so cold that if you throw boiling water into the air it will instantly vaporize. With fewer than 5,000 scientists or tourists in peak season, all clumped into one of 70 camps scattered across a desert tundra the size of the United States and Mexico combined, 98% of which is ice, it is the least densely populated of our seven continents, entirely surrounded by water. Antarctica is a scientific preserve governed jointly by 54 countries under a treaty banning military, mining, and nuclear activities. As far as we know, there is no mad rush to seek refuge from pandemic fatigue, Zoom burnout, and anti-lockdown protests there on the Frozen Continent. Most of us have been camping in our homes for two months, creating “quaran-teams”, social bubbles, and virtual cocoons. The cable news, radio, print and social media that so polarized us at the start of the year has largely united us in our need for real-time information, assurance of progress, distraction, and consolation. Some of our thinking, however, is still frozen in time.

Let us take a look at how we view stocks and bonds for a moment. At the start of the new decade, it looked like we were continuing the record-setting 128 month-long economic expansion with rallies ahead in virtually all markets for as far as the eye could see. Unemployment was at 50-year lows. Borrowing rates were at record lows. Inflation was under control. Not everything was rainbows and unicorns for all Americans by any measure. Plus we knew asset prices were inflated. The cycle had to end at some point. But before we heard of SARS-CoV-2, the Fed was our backstop and traders were able to discount nearly all talk of recession, impeachment, war with Iran, or breakdowns in relations with China. Then came the twin traumata of destabilized oil markets and the Wuhan virus cluster that was declared a global pandemic on March 11. Like volcanic eruptions on Antarctica, they changed the landscape. For almost three weeks, the uncertainty was like lava flow and caused markets to move in ways not seen before. Federal, state and local officials then intervened with restrictive policies that had no precedent. Central bankers followed by Congress, moved at the polar opposite of glacial speeds with mountains of money that came out of air as thin as it is on the highest continent in the world.

Citizens complied. Schools quickly learned how to hold online classes. Businesses put up signs: “Sorry Temporarily Closed,” “Take-Out Only,” “Stay Safe, See You Soon.” Markets without trading floors, operating from remote workstations with residential Wi-Fi, took comfort in daily Task Force briefings, reports on the yeomen’s efforts underway to develop tests, treatments and a vaccine, manufacturers nimbly switching from car parts to ventilators, naval hospital ships redeployed, convention centers reconfigured as triage centers. The anguish of separation and loss, particularly among families of those in nursing homes, was in some small part allayed by hopeful signs of slowdowns and recoveries in countries overseas that were earlier afflicted, and reports from hospitals that were not as overwhelmed as feared.

But the lockdowns were extended. Now, barely one third of Americans say they are working and 30% have withdrawn more than $6700 on average from their retirement savings, mainly to buy groceries. More than 4 million Americans are skipping their mortgage payments. Cars are still lining up for hours at food banks. It has become painfully clear how many millions of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and how many work in jobs not eligible for unemployment. How small businesses are so closely reliant upon daily community patronage that, according to one Washington Post report, more than 100,000 have permanently closed since March. Nevertheless, financial markets turned around. As Fed and federal aid began to flow, the Dow, the Nasdaq, the S&P, the Russell 2000, U.S. Treasuries, municipal bonds, corporate bonds, gold all began upward price swings again. A red, white and blue rally is still underway well before all the damage has been done and counted. Some of this makes sense. We understand that U.S. Treasuries are the world’s most liquid securities and that many of our stocks and bonds have unmatched global value. A 14% run-up in the price of gold since the start of the year is not a surprising increase for this safe haven, given the enormity of the upheaval. We also know how important Amazon and Domino’s Pizza and Dollar Tree have been to all of us during the shutdown. But analysts also point out something that does not sit well: that businesses are declaring bankruptcy and there are likely many more to come, yet the S&P 500 is trading at the highest price-to-earnings ratio since the peak of the dot-com bubble.

Many sectors are still being tarred with a broad brush. In some energy trades, offshore oil drillers have been lumped together with oil storage firms. Well-run airlines are trading alongside those less prepared to endure the groundings of most of their fleet for most of the year. Many well-managed senior living communities have bonds that attract no good bids despite having no cases of the virus and hundreds of staff and residents who are relieved to be safe and well supplied on their carefully tended campuses. Because of the constant clamor from governors and mayors lobbying Congress for aid now that the fat federal wallet has been flashed, some investors are most concerned about state and local bond defaults and possible bankruptcies. Their fears involve municipal authorities with the power to levy taxes and hike user fees rather than companies who never had such powers but have in fact filed for bankruptcy, like Intelsat, Neiman Marcus, J.C. Penny, and Whiting Petroleum.

More than two thirds of states are relaxing restrictions this week and America is slowly returning to work. But the timing of re-opening schools and many types of businesses is still unclear. We know that it will take longer than we would like for our economy to return. The Director of the National Economic Council says things are starting to turn. The White House Economic Adviser thinks we are looking at a very strong third quarter. The Treasury Secretary expects economic conditions to improve in the third and fourth quarters. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve says a full recovery may not happen until the end of 2021. In the meantime, Americans need to repair or shore up some of our personal finances and that means a hunt for current income as well as future returns.

When looking at stocks, the New York Times recently reported that, from 1926 through March 2020, dividends alone accounted for 40.2 percent of the total return of the S&P 500 Index. Several market strategists and asset managers contend that corporate buybacks have in fact been the only net source of money entering the stock market since the 2008 financial crisis. Now, the CARES Act precludes public companies that borrow money from buying back any of its company stock or issuing any dividends for one year after the repayment of the loan or the expiration of the loan guarantee, unless there was a pre-existing contract. There may be political pressure to extend this. Some of the companies that have already announced the reduction or suspension of dividends are Ford, Delta, Boeing, Macy’s, Marriott, and Disney. Unlike bond interest, stock dividends are always only paid at the discretion of corporations. If we assume that the coronavirus-induced recession produces dividend cuts of around 25%, that means investors could collectively lose between $100 billion and $150 billion in annual dividends on top of losses from stock price declines this year. Although the Nasdaq is up more than 2% year-to-date at the time of this writing (primarily due to Netflix, Alphabet, Amazon, and Facebook), the Dow is down 14% and the S&P 500 is down 9%. So, some big portfolio hits are in store.

As public companies announce cuts or suspension of suspend quarterly stock dividends for this year and perhaps longer, we remind ourselves that interest payments on the vast majority of municipal bonds will continue. Munis offer the opportunity to either supplement or replace those missing stock dividends with tax-exempt income. Last week saw an $800 million Baa3 rated financing for the State of Illinois featuring a 25-year maturity with a 5.75% coupon priced at a discount to yield 5.85%. This week, in addition to the $4 billion of new tax-exempt bonds expected to come to market, our municipal bond traders are also seeing $3 billion of taxable municipal bond issues, some of which feature interest exempt from state taxation for in-state residents. These include insured general obligation bonds for the City of Bridgeport, A1 rated revenue bonds of the Great Lakes Water Authority, and an A- minus rated sale for the University of Tampa. In addition, the new issue calendar includes quality municipal bonds being sold in the corporate bond market. Some examples include AA+ rated Northwestern University and AA rated Emory University. Our corporate bond trading desk monitors these sales as well as higher yielding corporate debt trading in the secondary market.

Credit analysis has never been as critical as it is now in the process of evaluating the merits of all these individual offerings. As a result of this pandemic-induced recession, outlooks, ratings, and events affecting performance and durability are changing weekly. Your HJ Sims advisor can help guide you through many of the key considerations. These include reviews of historic default rates for municipal and corporate bonds (at 0.18% and 1.74%, respectively). They include technical factors, such as mutual fund flows, inventories, bids-wanted, redemptions, and visible supply. It is equally important to consider fundamental factors including liquidity, cash flow, utilization, and debt service coverage. But this is a time in which we all need to consider broader contexts: how local and regional economies have been impacted, political leadership, community sentiment, changing demographics, direct federal stimulus whether in the form of low interest loans or block grants, and central bank liquidity facilities made available to support our primary and secondary markets. All play a role in determining the level of risk inherent in an investment and its suitability as a short- or long-term holding in your portfolio. At HJ Sims, we believe in the outcome of income. Thinking together in new ways as we define the “new normal” for our continent, we look forward to finding bond solutions that work for you.

Market Commentary: The Kicker

The New Orleans Saints announced that its Hall of Famer Thomas J. Dempsey died on Saturday at age 73 from complications of COVID-19 just ten days after being diagnosed. Dempsey was a placekicker who signed with the club in 1969 as an undrafted free agent out of Palomar College. During his rookie season the following year at Tulane Stadium in a game against the Detroit Lions when his team was behind 17-16 with only second left he took a snap from Jackie Burkett and kicked a jaw-dropping 63-yard field goal that stood as an NFL record for 43 years. Over his career with the Saints, the Eagles, Rams, Oilers and Bills, the Milwaukee native aced 61.6% of his field goals and 89.4% of his extra point attempts using an old-school kicking style that differed from most others in the NFL. Instead of a soccer style boot from the laces, he preferred the straight toe approach. But, since he was born without toes on his right foot, he wore a flat-front shoe custom designed to accommodate his disability. Some thought that gave him an unfair advantage. Others shook their heads in marvel. After 11 seasons in the NFL, the good-humored man nicknamed “Stumpy” by his teammates retired in 1979 and went on to work as an oil field salesman and run a car dealership. He was diagnosed with dementia in 2012 and came to reside at the Lambeth House assisted living center in New Orleans where he was one of 50 to be stricken with coronavirus, one of 15 who has died there in quarantine, apart from his wife, sister, three children and three grandchildren except in video chats. The sad human toll of the pandemic exceeds 1.4 million cases worldwide, 400,000 in the U.S. at this writing, with more than 82,000 deaths including nearly 13,000 Americans. The economic toll mounts as well. Our nation’s spectacular 10-year expansion came to an abrupt halt in March as every aspect of society has been disrupted in the effort to contain the spread of the virus. Apart from the incalculable loss of human life, the worldwide cost may exceed $4 trillion and 4.8% of combined gross domestic product. Talk often kicks up a notch from recession to depression, but all estimates still hinge on a range of unknowns. In the meantime, most manufacturing, employment, education, and services are at a virtual standstill. Oil price wars compound the troubles. In times of uncertainty, investors turn to the safest havens but leap into risk on hopeful news: progress with a vaccine, interim measures that appear to save lives, down-ticks in case counts, timetables for the loosening of restrictions that will allow us to kick-start our lives again, the next massive government stimulus rescue package and trillion-dollar central bank intervention. Since the start of the month, stock indices have risen by as much as 3.4% on optimism for the turnaround and a return to old routines. The Dow is up 736 points, the Nasdaq up 187 points, the S&P 500 up 75. Oil prices have increased more than 17% to $23.63 a barrel. Gold prices have gained $54 an ounce. Volatility remains elevated, a function of medical, economic and fiscal pronouncements. Relative value is constantly shifting and often irrelevant in period of illiquidity caused by large institutions placing massive sell orders into markets unable or unwilling to absorb the supply and, at moments, shocked by the strategies being revealed and unwound, deleveraging and re-leveraging. Whether measured in the thousands or trillions, investment accounts are being kickboxed from week to week. There are opportunities and risks galore. The world’s safe haven, U.S. Treasuries, have lost some ground so far this month. The 2-and 10-year yields have inched up a few basis points to 0.26% and 0.71%, respectively. However, the 30-year has strengthened with yields dropping by 5 basis points to 1.29%. The corporate bond market is extremely active; firms are tapping lines of credit and issuing investment grade bonds at a breakneck pace. In spite of all the predictions for a dramatic increase in the number of “fallen angels,” or bonds dropping from BBB ratings to below investment grade as a result of pandemic-induced losses, and “sinking demons,” or bonds and leveraged loans falling from B ratings to CCC levels, the BBB-rated corporate bonds are flat on the month with 10-year yields at 4.61%. Municipal bonds are operating in almost a parallel universe from governments and corporates where there is explosive new issuance. The primary tax-exempt calendar has been quiet for weeks. Several top rated issuers are able to access the markets in negotiated and competitive sales while lower- and non-rated issuers are on hold or seeking to privately place their debt. All the action is in the secondary market where bid-wanted lists are large and trading is active. The market is sometimes schizophrenic, moving unpredictably from oversold to overpriced, with so many technical factors at play, not the least of which is speculation over the future credit quality of state and local issues in the era of COVID-19. Mutual funds have experienced $13.8 billion of outflows in the past two weeks; municipal ETFs have suffered net withdrawals for the past five. So far this month, the AAA general obligation tax-exempt muni yield has dropped by 2 basis points to 1.04%, the 10-year is up 5 basis points to 1.38% and the 30-year yield has increased by 20 basis points to 2.19%. Nontraditional buyers, called crossovers, such as insurance companies find newfound appeal in munis given the outsized ratio to Treasury yields. At this writing, the 1-year ratio is 507%, the 10-year ratio is 189%, and the 30-year ratio — with the Treasury at 1.29% and the comparable tax-exempt muni at 2.19% — is 170%. These are indeed extraordinary times. At HJ Sims, our team stands alongside you, your families, your businesses and employees. We are not on the sidelines but fully engaged in the financial markets. Our traders find pockets of opportunity in every session and our advisors have use of stress testing tools to help our clients analyze portfolios and diversify as needed. We encourage you to enhance your dialogue with your HJ Sims representative and take comfort in the strategies that we develop together. But for now we pause during this holy season of Easter and Passover to wish you safe and happy celebrations, be they at home or on line, together with those most dear.

Market Commentary: Profiles

Our local newspapers have begun to publish touching profiles of community members lost to the coronavirus in much the same way as The New York Times featured those lost on 9/11, with a snapshot taken on a happy day and recollections of unique achievements during lives so sadly cut short. This time: veterans, ballplayers, cops, teachers, musicians, transit workers. Tributes to those whose lives will only be celebrated with the gathering of family and friends in days ahead when conditions permit. Plans are also being made for ticker tape parades in cities like New York to honor the doctors, nurses, EMTs, police, fire and other public safety officials who are risking their lives to protect and care for others. Some of those who do not make it to the front pages for acclaim are the millions of family caregivers tending to those battling chronic illnesses as well as the disabled, the elderly and the very young. Unpaid family caregivers are said to be the backbone of our health care system, providing as much as 90% of all home health care for no pay or public honor. This amounts to 30 billion hours for the 44 million Americans, including more than 1.3 million children, who take care of others in need while trying to stay healthy, work, go to school, or look for work. Approximately 12.3 million are sandwiched between aging elders and young children, some for the first time right now, facing challenges and navigating crises with little, if any, outside help, day in and day out.

There are some 15,600 nursing homes and 28,900 residential communities caring for many of our most frail elderly and disabled as well. Some of these facilities, particularly in New Jersey and Massachusetts, have been hit very hard by COVID-19 outbreaks, while others struggle mightily to protect residents and staff, incurring significant, unbudgeted expenses for supplies and labor, trying to manage what at times seems unmanageable. A recent unofficial count found more than 4,000 facilities and 36,500 residents and staff with cases that have been reported to states and counties. These numbers also point to the majority of communities and several million residents that have not been or may not be affected.

Having accurate and timely case information is critical for residents, families, local citizens, policymakers and the industry as a whole. At the federal level, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has just started to receive data on COVID-19 cases in long term care facilities under a directive that went out to nursing homes on Sunday from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. CMS is also finally mandating that facilities notify residents and families of this information. It is hard to believe that this data was not required earlier. But it is hard to believe a lot of the things we are seeing today across the country and around the world. No sector of our economy, no part of our day-to-day lives, has been unaffected by this scourge on the Earth. We applaud those facility managers that are being the most pro-active with residents, families, public health officials, and investors, making timely, regular, and comprehensive disclosures of medical, operational, and financial conditions. The profiles of well-prepared, well-managed, and resourceful communities with a culture of open communication will be long remembered and held as a standard for all others as we face the challenges ahead.

There is no reliable profile of the financial markets right now. We are seeing things never seen before as a result of this virus and the policy chokeholds imposed on our economy. Record unemployment claims. Record low Treasury yields. Negative oil prices. Unprecedented outflows from municipal bond funds. Historic corporate bond issuance. It is hard to know from day today what to expect by the close. But since the start of this month just about everything other than oil is up, buoyed by phased increases of federal stimulus and the active presence of the major central banks who have bought more than five times the amount of assets they did during the Great Recession. It has by no means been a smooth rally but, at this writing, the Dow is up 8%, the S&P 500 9%, the Nasdaq 11%, the Russell 2000 5%, and gold 6%. Bond prices are also up. The 2-year U.S. Treasury yield has fallen 3 basis points to 0.20%. The 10-year yield is down 7 basis points, and the 30-year has dropped 13 basis points to 1.21%. The 10-year Baa corporate bond yield has plunged 36 basis points to 4.24%. In the municipal market, the 2-year AAA general obligation benchmark yield has fallen 21 basis points to 0.85%, the 10-year is down ever more at 26 basis points to 1.07% and the 30-year has dropped 9 basis points to 1.90%. The AA taxable municipal bond, attractive for many retirement accounts, yields 3.14%, down 24 basis points since the start of April trading and well above the comparable AA corporate at 2.55%.

There has been very little municipal new issuance this month, but we are very active in the secondary market for tax-exempts as well as taxables, including corporates. The sheer quantity of bonds being offered in sectors being battered by newspaper headlines make it difficult at times to distinguish the good credits from those that were already struggling and may come under greater stress. Whether it is utilities, hospitals, transit, colleges or senior living — where most of our industry expertise lies — we have the credit analytic capabilities to pick out those bonds which we believe have the most enduring value and offer above average streams of income. We encourage you to contact your HJ Sims advisor to update your investment and risk profiles as well as your capital needs, and exchange views on current market opportunities.

Market Commentary: The Flavivirus of 1793

Toward the end of the 18th century as the new, permanent capital of the United States was being designed and built in the District of Columbia, attention was still focused on Philadelphia. It was the temporary capital after the Constitution was ratified, the hub of the new nation boasting 50,000 citizens, the largest city in the country and the second largest in the English-speaking world. But in the dry, hot summer of 1793, refugees arriving at America’s busiest port from the Caribbean islands brought with them a deadly scourge. The epidemic of yellow fever first attacked those who lived and worked on the waterfront and swiftly spread, carried and transferred by mosquitoes ravaging the city during the summer and fall, eventually claiming one in ten lives. President Washington, his Cabinet, Members of Congress and 20,000 others who could leave fled to the countryside. Those in other cities fearful of contracting the disease boycotted the entire area. The flavivirus was said to have originated in Africa and first came through the West Indies to North America in the late 17th century. Outbreaks afflicted those trading with the Caribbean for the next hundred years. But it was not until the deadly contagion hit Philadelphia that year when the cause and potential means of controlling it were debated. The city established a Board of Health to enforce sanitary regulations, but these met with little success. The federal government had no authority to act, the governor fell ill, the state legislature skedaddled, and so it was left to the mayor and a ragtag committee to try and save the citizens of the city. Little respite was had for more than three months until the winter frost came and put a temporary end to both the mosquitoes and the fever. The pestilence returned seven times in the next 12 years, producing familiar patterns of finger-pointing, evacuation, and isolation, eventually relegating what would late become known as the City of Brotherly Love to second tier status as a port. For many years, the cause and means of transmission were not known and there was no vaccine or treatment, although bleeding, purging, cleaning, blistering, vinegar camphor, mercury and jalap, opium, wine and quarantines were all prescribed.

Fast forward 227 years when the nation’s capital — and every great American city — has been hit by plague again. The novel coronavirus has effectively shut down the nation for 34 days and counting. This time, there is no safe place to escape. Although the cause and source are said to be known this time, the cure remains elusive and fear has spread alongside the disease. A second wave is possible but the prospect of annual recurrences for the next decade is unthinkable. Instead of boycotts, there are lock-downs that have shuttered schools and non-essential businesses. Social distancing, handwashing, gloves and masks, online learning, telemedicine, and home deliveries will be with us for a long while. The toll COVID-19 is taking will be measured in precious lives, once proud businesses, and a legacy of debt. Debates will continue for years if not generations as to when to impose and how to remove quarantines, whether policy cures are worse than the disease, what we need to do to prepare properly for the next one. Massive central bank action in close coordination with the Treasury has again set new standards for intervention in free markets and municipalities that have long treasured independence and self-reliance. It will prove difficult to not to look to them again when the next sniffle occurs or the next proverbial ship with a cargo of pestilence limps into a U.S. port.

Our nation’s healthcare leaders note that America is still on the upward slope of The Curve with a short way to go before case counts, hospitalizations and death rates slow. It was only seven months ago that we were laser-focused on another curve, the Treasury yield curve, when it inverted during a very different liquidity crisis last September. Since the President declared a national emergency on March 13, the markets have experienced extreme volatility as fear and uncertainty gripped the world. During the flights between safety and risk, the S&P 500 has risen 50 points to 2,761, the Nasdaq is up 317 points to 8,192, and the Russell 500 has gained about 2 points to stand at 1,212. Gold prices are up $184 an ounce to $1,714. Oil, primarily due to the Saudi-Russia production dispute has fallen nearly 30% to $22.41 a barrel. On the bond side, the U.S. 2-year Treasury yield has fallen 25 basis points to 0.24%, the 10-year is down 19 basis points to 0.77% and the 30-year has decreased 12 basis points to 1.40%. Ten-year Baa corporate bond yields have risen 83 basis points to 4.51%. More than $35 billion has been withdrawn from municipal bond funds but the 2-year AAA municipal general obligation bond yield is down 25 basis points to 0.87%, the 10-year has fallen 51 basis points to 1.10% and the 30-year tax-exempt benchmark has dropped 39 basis points to 1.93%.

Corporate bond issuance has been extremely heavy on both the investment grade and high yield sides as firms tap markets and bank lines of credit for as much cash cushion as they can get. Investors concerned with the ability of state, local and nonprofit borrowers to withstand the financial pressures stemming from the pandemic have effectively frozen the calendar for many new municipal issues although higher rated health care, higher education, utility and general obligation borrowers have consistently been able to enter the market. There is a $14 billion pipeline of deals on day-to-day status as investors await fresh disclosure on the status of projects previously financed. How have people and operations been impacted? Is there sufficient cash to meet all day-to-day needs for the next 6 months and pay debt service in full and on time? Buyers heavy with cash from April 1 redemptions are scouring an array of solid credits at attractive prices in the secondary market, including hospital, airport, mass transit, and utility bonds being tarred with the same brush regardless of liquidity position and debt service coverage. Operating under more stringent regulatory structures imposed after the 2008 recession, the major credit rating agencies are revising all sector outlooks as negative and swiftly downgrading those who are slipping below certain trigger points, no matter the cause or expected duration, adding to investor worry and uncertainty. Those who lived in Philadelphia in the late 18th century faced much darker days and more uncertain times. In the case of COVID-19, we do not yet have all the answers but we have a staggering array of federal, state, local, private, and central bank aid to help us handle this crisis and recover. Please continue to count on your HJ Sims representative as a valuable resource and trusted partner throughout this process.

Market Commentary: The Ninth Hole

Hope is slowly starting to fill the holes in every refrigerator, cash register, classroom, orchard, and airplane. As case counts decline and the prospects for treatment or vaccines increase, several states and counties are starting to re-open restaurants, hair salons, movie theaters, gyms, malls, construction sites, health care offices, churches, and parks, many of the places we once took for granted and have since missed dearly. Georgia. Tennessee. Alaska. Iowa. Colorado. Montana. Oklahoma. Utah. Rules are being lifted in phases in other areas for the first time six weeks while many urban areas remain in the early stages of planning. Since December, the COVID-19 pandemic has scorched the earth from Wuhan to Castro Barros, Argentina–inflicting pain and suffering on more than 3 million people, primarily seniors, as well as damage on both local and global economies. One German newspaper put together an itemized invoice for amounts due from China as a result of lost tourism and manufacturing. The State of Missouri is suing the People’s Republic for negligent and deceitful behavior that has led to deaths and losses that were otherwise preventable. In the end, individual states and nations will have to tend to their own wounds. Some parts of the world may take years to recover. Here, the amazing mosaic of sovereign states that comprise our federal republic will re-assemble sooner and stronger than ever.

There is a huge cost that we and other nations will bear, the size and extent yet to be calculated. We have yet to determine where we are in the process of impact and recovery. Are we halfway through, at the ninth hole of an eighteen hole course? Are we on the fairway or still in the rough? Assessing the course and its conditions is a full time job for many economists, industry lobbyists and state budget officers. The National Governors Association has proposed a federal rescue package of $500 billion, an amount that represents more than half of combined general fund spending for all states for the entire year. Members of Congress, mostly back in their home districts, are estimating the local needs. In effort to throw some cold water on the skyrocketing demands, and out of sheer amazement over the audacity of several looking to plug unfunded pension holes, the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested that what may be needed is to extend eligibility for filing bankruptcy to state governments. That gave the talking heads some new material for a few days. In the meantime, the Federal Reserve is issuing so much currency that it has actually become a mathematical impossibility for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to keep up.

It has been hard to keep up with the directions of the financial markets as well. There are, as always, multiple forces and factors involved. One can explain negative oil prices, for instance, but it is nevertheless astonishing. There are many theories as to why stocks and municipal bond prices have been so closely correlated and why Treasury and municipal prices have diverged since March, but these are also all head-shakers. It has been hard for analysts to find the logic in many of the rallies and selloffs that we have seen in recent months. We attribute some to automated trading based on news flow, fund flows, speculation, and knee-jerk reactions. It seems that we need some new perspective every day on where we are and how we got here. So let us step back and take a look at where the markets have moved since the start of the year.

On the equity side, the Russell 2000 is down 386 points or 23%, the Dow has dropped 4,406 points or 15%, the S&P 500 has fallen 242 points or 2.70%, and the Nasdaq is off by 242 points, just under 3%. Compared with two years ago at this time, the Russell 2000 is down more than 17%, but the Dow is off by less than 1%, the S&P 500 is up about 8% and the Nasdaq has gained nearly 23%. With respect to key commodities, oil prices are down $48 a barrel or 79% since January, 92% since last April, and 81% from where they stood in 2018 at this time. Gold is up across the board with a gain of $190 an ounce of 12% this year and has gained 29% since last year and 29% from April of 2018.

On the bond side, yields are at historic lows. The 2-year Treasury yield has plunged 134 basis points to 0.22% over the past four months. The 10-year has fallen 125 basis points to 0.66% and the 30-year is down 113 basis points to 1.25%. In the past two years, the basis point drop in yields is even greater: 226 for the 2-year, 229 for the 10-year and 187 for the 30-year. Baa-rated corporate 10-year yields currently stand at 4.24% which is 54 basis points higher than where we opened 2020 but 66 basis points below where it stood two years ago. On the tax-exempt side, 2-year munis yield benchmarks at 0.90% have fallen 14 basis points this year and 10-year yields at 1.28% are down 16 basis points. The 30-year AAA general obligation bond yield is actually up 4 basis points to 2.13%. One year ago, muni yields stood at 1.57%, 1.87% and 2.55%, respectively. Two years ago, yields were between 97 and 123 basis points higher across the curve.

The municipal primary market has been quiet for two months. Some deals have fallen in to a black hole for now. Of the new and refunding issues successfully placed, the vast majority are high investment grade or insured. In the high yield sector this month, there were only a handful of deals. The South Carolina Jobs-Economic Development Authority sold $32. 6 million of non-rated revenue bonds for Avondale Senior Living. The single maturity in 2050 was priced at par to yield 4.00% and converts to 6.5% in one year. The Public Finance Authority of Wisconsin issued $24.8 million of non-rated charter school revenue bonds for the Utah Military Academy, structured with a 2030 term bond priced at 5.25% to yield 6.50%. The City of Minneapolis brought a $12.4 million BB-minus rated charter school lease revenue bond issue for KIPP North Star that included a 35-year maturity priced at 5.75% to yield 6.00%. The Michigan Finance Authority sold $7.8 million of BB rated refunding bonds for the Dr. Joseph F. Pollack Academic Center of Excellence that had a 2040 term maturity priced at par to yield 5.75%.

The lockdowns imposed as a result of the pandemic have produced financial stress on every sector of the market. Some are overpriced and some dramatically underpriced and all of this is due to lack of information. First quarter corporate earnings reports are illuminating conditions through March 31, but it will not be until late July that we will have data for damage done in April and May and June. To date, only about 350 municipal issuers and conduit borrowers within the universe of approximately 118,000 have publicly disclosed any details about how operations and expenses have been impacted. So investors are forced to speculate on the extent of illness, revenue loss, liquidity, resource needs, and aid being received from federal, state and other sources. As the month comes to a close, we encourage you to tap the many resources available to you through your HJ Sims advisor in the coming days as you explore opportunities and make informed investment decisions together.

Market Commentary: Down But Not Out

Before a big fight, reporters would always ask Mike Tyson what he thought would happen. The writers always wanted insight on the boxing style of his opponent and asked him to speculate about other guy’s lateral moves, how he danced, whether Tyson expected him to do this or do that, and how he would react. The youngest heavyweight champion in the world liked to talk and he always had a quote for the story. But once he cut the questions off altogether. “Look”, he said flatly, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

The man nicknamed Iron Mike and Kid Dynamite had quite a bit to talk about. By the time he was 46, he had racked up 50 wins and 6 losses, defended his title nine times, spent hard time in prison, declared bankruptcy, battled addictions, tried to make a comeback, lost his mother to a stroke and a 4 year-old daughter to a tragic accident. He labeled himself an annihilator and literally changed the game for fans, promoters and boxers worldwide. Back in the day, Mike Tyson was considered the epitome of pain and savagery by many and he left a wide path of fear and broken bones in his wake. This is generally how investors in the financial markets will look upon March of 2020.

The first three rounds of the new decade came to an end on Tuesday. But this is the United States of America and we have by no means suffered a knockout. Not even close. Nevertheless, all of our coronavirus related fears, national containment policies, raging oil battles, and expectations for global recession carry forward into April. And, now that our national shutdown has been extended, we know they will be with us through what we call the cruelest month into May.

Most of us who are not on the front lines of research, medical care, law enforcement, emergency services, national defense — and even the fourth estate trying to report on all of the aforementioned — are still adjusting to the stay-at-home orders and working around employer and school routines and demands, continuing to digest the daily White House Task Force briefings and announcements from state and local officials, closely following the progress of family, friends and neighbors in quarantine or hospitals, shaking our heads at the savagery of the pandemic, and sharing our bucket lists for all the life-affirming things we plan to do as soon as we are loosed from our studio apartments, man caves, and shared kitchen workstations. Case counts increase as expanded testing provides confirmation of the COVID-19 spread as a result of gatherings held a mere fortnight ago.

Governments around the world are taking unprecedented actions to restrict the movements of its citizens as well as those seeking to cross its borders, and this is greatly affecting supply chains, jobs, businesses and the greatest component of our economy: personal consumption. Schools across the globe are closed, factories are being repurposed from autos and whiskey to ventilator and hand sanitizer production, hotels and dormitories are being eyeballed as intensive care recovery sites, the National Guard is being mobilized to build mobile medical facilities, massive hospital ships have been sent to Los Angeles and Manhattan, and the Congress is looking at a fourth massive emergency funding bill. Trillions in direct assistance to households as well as grants and loans to airlines, railroads, and other businesses and needs are en route. And the financial markets respond to the aid, and talk of more aid, with temporary relief rallies that last until uncertainty and need surface again.

We are officially told that, despite all of our precautions and sacrifices, things will get worse in the weeks ahead, peaking in mid-month for some regions, later in others. Our glorious spring and holy days are about to be darkened by jobless claims, lost earnings, more shuttered businesses, widespread illness, and loss. But — optimists and patriots all — we power through these days, cheering for the doctors and nurses and scientists and manufacturers unbelievably hard at work, awaiting their lifesaving treatments, vaccines, protective devices, and cures while we are being advised to prepare, mentally as well as financially, not only for the bad numbers ahead, but for a recurrence and downturn in the fall. We are in between rounds right now, with the loud bells from February and March still ringing in our ears. There is a brief time out before the next bouts begin and volatility has dropped from the 50-year high set on March 16, when the Fear Index spiked to 82.69, topping the most recent high of 80.86 on November 20, 2008 and far from its half century average at 19.25.

U.S. stocks in general just suffered their worst quarter since 2008. For the Dow and S&P 500, they experienced the worst March since the Great Depression. Since January 1, the Dow Industrials Index has fallen 23%, the S&P 500, 20%; the Nasdaq, 14%; and the Russell 2000, best reflecting many of our smaller businesses, down 31%. For a number of reasons, crude oil is down an astonishing 67% this quarter, and gold is up 5%. Baa-rated corporate bonds maturing in 10 years gained 90 basis points to finish March at 4.60% and the major U.S. corporate bond indices suffered losses of 4.05% in 1Q2020. The world’s safe haven, U.S. Treasuries, however, stood strong, produced returns of nearly 9%. The 2-year government yield fell 133 basis points to 0.23%, the 10-year dropped 124 basis points to 0.67% and the 30-year shed 104 basis points to close the quarter at 1.34%. Just one year ago the long bond yielded 2.81%.

In March, municipals had their worst week ever. Investors trying to raise cash and meet margin calls, and institutions unwinding highly leveraged wagers, flooded the market with sell orders at fire sale prices will no distinction made between credits. Liquidity in a market seen as a haven second only Treasuries virtually dried up. During the week of March 18, total par volume sold peaked at $63.5B, the highest since the record selloff in mid-September of 2008. One week later, munis had the biggest price rally in history, a reversal that left traders breathless and investors relieved. By the time all the dust settled on Tuesday, the 2-year AAA municipal general obligation benchmark yield at 1.06% had gained only 2 basis points on the year and was 43 basis points below where it stood only one year ago. The 10-year muni yield fell 11 basis points to 1.33% during the quarter and was 53 basis points below the comparable 2019 level. The 30-year tax-exempt benchmark at 1.99% was 10 basis points below its 2020 starting point and 61 basis points stronger than where it was one year ago. After record-setting outflows in municipal bond mutual funds and with a primary calendar at a virtual standstill, municipal returns fell 3.75% in March. Despite the hottest start to the year on record, muni gains were reversed and major indices ended down 0.68% on the quarter.

Those who lived through the Great Recession know that the challenges we face now are decidedly different today, as are the threats to, and demands asked of, our citizens. Few, if any, comparables exist; some point to the Spanish Flu era and the two world wars for reference points. This pandemic is being viewed as a war different from the ones we once declared on poverty, on drugs, and on terror. It is being fought on two fronts, the one on disease protection and the other on economic protection. Public health officials and central banks have become the generals on the field, endeavoring to assure citizens that health care and financial systems are sound. The Federal Reserve and counterparts around the world have taken steps never before seen to provide for short term funding needs. The Fed acted with lightning speed to slash interest rates to zero, lower the rate that it charges banks for overnight loans, and began purchasing $700 billion of U.S. government and mortgage-backed securities. It relaxed the requirements for deposits that banks must hold as reserves to meet cash demand and increase lending, and is buying billions of U.S Treasuries from foreign sources in need of U.S. dollars. To stabilize a market short of buyers, the Fed is even now stepping in to buy investment grade corporate bonds and will soon start purchasing municipal bonds in the secondary market to ensure liquidity in markets that have never before required such support. All in all, it has been quite an action-packed 90 days for those who generally deal in more contemplative pursuits.

HJ Sims would like to let you know that we stand along with you, your families, your small businesses, employees and families during these challenging times. We encourage you to reach out if we can be of assistance directly or in referring you to other resources that may offer meaningful support. In the meantime, we invite conversations about your banking and financial needs, changes in your risk tolerance, interests, and goals. Over the course of our 85 years in the business, we have worked to attract an amazing array of talent that is available to serve you, our partners. In extraordinary times like these, we learn together, grow together, support each other, and celebrate our many day to day successes, small and large.

Market Commentary: On the Verge

At a meeting of the G-20 nations in Brisbane, Australia in November of 2014, Jim Yong Kim, President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), proposed a new way to help developing countries finance efforts against infectious diseases in the early stages of a global contagion. Three years later, as Ebola continued to ravage West Africa in a pandemic that killed more than 11,000 people and set back development there for more than a decade, the Bank looked to transfer some of the effective insurance risk to the financial markets by privately placing $329 million of Floating Rate Catastrophe-Linked Capital at Risk Notes. These were quickly dubbed “pandemic bonds”. Roughly modeled on catastrophe bonds from the mid-1990s that pay out in response to insurance claims for events like hurricanes and earthquakes, the principal would be transferred to the Bank’s Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) to aid eligible developing countries with containment and relief efforts after a very specific series of events occurs. The 386-page prospectus outlines the order and magnitude of triggers: when an outbreak reaches a predetermined level of contagion, involves a specific number of deaths, spreads at certain speeds, and crosses international borders producing more than 20 deaths in any additional country. Determinations are made by a verification agent based on publicly available data as reported by the World Health Organization, and the maximum payout in this case is $196 million.

The 2017 Notes were issued in two classes: a $225 million tranche covering flu and coronavirus that was priced at LIBOR plus 6.50%, and a $95 million series covering Ebola and various fevers as well as coronavirus that priced at LIBOR plus 11.10%. Swiss Re Capital Markets, Munich Re, and GC Securities managed the sale, which was oversubscribed by 200%. Interest on the Notes totals about $36 million a year which, along with fees, are paid by donor countries including Japan, Germany, and the soft loan arm of the Bank. No payouts to the PEF have yet been made and due to the number and timing of triggers, it is unclear that any monies would be paid or that they would even arrive in time and sufficient quantity to be helpful. Although there remains considerable doubt about the official numbers, China reached the first threshold for fatalities weeks ago. But due to unsurpassed global efforts at containment, including the effective quarantine of half of China’s population — a staggering number that is twice the size of the United States — no other nation is close to reaching the next trigger point. The 2017 Notes are scheduled to mature on July 15 of this year and principal will be repaid to holders if no recognized event occurs. At this writing, the COVID-19 disease, now officially caused by the virus SARS CoV-2, is not a global pandemic, although officials at the National Institutes of Health believe that the outbreak is on the verge of becoming one. There are now 15 confirmed cases in the U.S and diagnosed infections in 23 other countries. The Notes are said to be trading at a discount now, reflecting market belief that the first payout may well be forthcoming in the next five months.

This year’s G-20 summit will be held in Riyadh in late November and the theme is “Realizing Opportunities of the 21st Century for All.” It is one of a number of international events planned for 2020, including the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, the G-7 at Camp David, the World Expo in Dubai, and the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, any or all of which could be disrupted as a result of the spread of the deadly virus. Traders are alternatively spooked and soothed by the intraday news reports which dominate all headlines. As fourth quarter corporate earnings are released, the term “coronavirus” has been cited in 138 of 364 companies holding calls, and FactSet reports that 25% have referenced some type of impact or modified guidance. The progress of the disease cannot be known, so speculation is rife on the potential economic impact of the coronavirus on tourism, retail sales, production and demand for products ranging from pharmaceuticals to oil to baby carriages and semiconductors. Futures trading now reflects expectations for one or more rate cuts this year, with the first coming in July.

Through the first half of February, stocks fought to keep the rally going in spite of widespread virus concerns. As of the close on Friday, the Dow gained 4% or 1,142 points on the month to close at 29,398. The S&P has risen 154 points to 3,380, the Nasdaq increased by 580 points to 9,731 and the Russell 2000 added 73 points or 4.6%. Oil is up 1% to $52.05, while gold has lost $5.10 an ounce to $1,584. On the fixed income side, U.S. high yield corporates, with more than $50 billion of refinancings so far this year, and preferreds are the only sectors with positive returns on the month. Short Treasury yields have jumped 11 basis points to 1.42%, and 10-year yields have inched up 8 basis points to 1.58%. While 30-year yields have gained 4 basis points so far in February, last week’s government auction fetched a record low yield of 2.06%. The calendar of municipal issues hit a high for the year last week at $9.6 billion and yields this month are up imperceptibly across the curve. The 2-year AAA general obligation bond yield ended mid-month at 0.86%, the 10-year at 1.18% and the 30-year benchmark at 1.82%. Municipal bond funds have taken in $3.7 billion during the last two weeks, sending the inflow streak to a record high of 58 weeks.

HJ Sims was in the market last week with $28.3 million of BB+ rated New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation bonds for Morningside Ministries. The offering met with a strong reception and we sold the 2055 term bonds with a 5% coupon priced to yield 3.35%. Among other deals on the high yield slate, the Public Finance Authority of Wisconsin sold $21.5 million of non-rated senior living facility revenue bonds for Montage Living due in 2024 priced at 8.00% to yield 9.121%. In the education sector, the Arizona Industrial Development Authority issued $42.3 million of BB rated revenue bond for the Cadence campus of Pinecrest Academy of Nevada structured with a 2050 term maturity priced at 4.00% to yield 3.23%; the California School Finance Authority brought a $21.3 million BB+ rated financing for Fenton Charter Public Schools featuring a final maturity in 2040 priced with a coupon of 4.00% to yield 2.07%; and the Public Finance Authority issued $11.3 million of non-rate revenue bonds for 21st Century Public Academy that included 30-year term bonds priced at 5.00% to yield 4.21%. The Berks County Municipal Authority of Pennsylvania had a $19.5 million BB+ rated sale for Alvernia University that had a 30-year term bond priced at 5.00% to yield 3.59%.

This week, we will see more fourth quarter corporate earnings, the minutes from the January Federal Open Market Committee meeting, and economic data on housing, producer prices, and manufacturing. Qualifying Democratic presidential candidates will meet on the debate stage Wednesday night in Las Vegas. The $6.8 billion municipal slate includes a $90.2 million non-rated Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority senior living revenue bond transaction for Quality Senior Housing and QSH/Pennsylvania, LLC, and a $36.2 million BB+ rated Lancaster County Hospital Authority issue for Saint Anne’s Retirement Community. Life plan communities will be the focus of the two-day HJ Sims Late Winter Conference next week in San Diego. We look forward seeing so many of you at our 17th annual event. For those unable to attend this year, we will be sure to share our highlights in the weeks to come.

Market Commentary: A Port in Any Storm

The MS Westerdam is a premium cruise ship of Italian design and Netherlands registry with 10 decks that was christened in 2004 and refurbished in 2017. Operated by the Holland America Line, and owned by Carnival Corp., the ship offers a Lincoln Center stage, a BB King Blues Club, 3 restaurants, 3 pools, shopping and a casino. Right now there are 2,257 souls aboard, including 802 crew members, and they are all in limbo off the southern coast of Vietnam. They departed from Hong Kong on February 1 on a two-week journey with calls planned on Taiwan and Japan but at this writing are now just in search of a port where they can disembark. Although the operator says that it has no reason to believe that there are any cases of coronavirus on board and no passengers are restricted to quarters. Thailand is the just the latest country or territory to turn them away for fear that some passengers are infected. Japan, Taiwan, Guam and the Philippines have previously blocked requests to dock. The plight of the Westerdam epitomizes the fear, dread and uncertainty surrounding the 2019 novel coronavirus. Centers for Disease Control officials say that Americans should not panic as the risk of contracting illness here is low. However, if you are on board the Diamond Princess, another Carnival cruise ship with 3,600 currently under quarantine in the port of Yokohama, Japan, the risk is substantially higher. Officials there say that they do not have the capacity to test everyone, but there are at least 135 confirmed cases, the largest such number outside of China. In Wuhan, a city larger than New York, there is an unprecedented quarantine of nearly 60 million people in effect and the 34 year-old doctor who first tried to raise the alarm about the outbreak just became one of the 1,000 casualties of the disease now officially named Covid-19.

Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell singled out the coronavirus as one risk threatening a U.S. economic outlook which otherwise appears durable with steady growth and unemployment near a 50-year low. In testimony before the U.S. House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday, he noted that it is too early to say whether the effect of the virus on the U.S. will be persistent and material but that the outbreak could lead to further disruptions in China that spill over. Powell was on Capitol Hill for his semi-annual monetary report to Congress. He reminded Members that the expansion is in its 11th year, the longest such period of uninterrupted growth on record, with job openings plentiful, and employment gains benefiting all ethnic and racial groups and levels of education. With the economy “in a very good place”, he indicated that no further rate cuts are being contemplated unless economic conditions change significantly, and assured Members that the Fed is monitoring developments, prepared to respond accordingly. This was welcome news to markets that have jolted up and down and moved sideways based in part on fourth quarter earnings, easing trade policy uncertainty, and Federal Trade Commission antitrust investigations but mostly in response to coronavirus developments.

The central bank chair’s testimony was given much closer scrutiny than the President’s budget proposal this week. The $4.8 trillion spending plan highlighting spending priorities for FY21 was rolled out on Monday. As happens in every administration, the bulky document quickly became a doorstop as budget and appropriations committees begin their own drafting process. But given that campaigns are in high season as the new fiscal year begins, it is highly unlikely that anything other than a continuation at current levels will be approved by September 30. Five hundred miles north of the nation’s capital, the New Hampshire primary is underway at this writing and candidates will soon be heading to Nevada for the Democratic debate next week and to South Carolina for the primary to be held February 25. Financial markets are not yet focused on the race as they need to see the field pared down, but they remain on alert for a dark horse.

The month has so far favored stocks over bonds, gold and other havens as economic reports were all strong, China announced tariff reductions, the impeachment drama came to an end, and worldwide resources were marshaled to prevent the spread of the new strain of virus. The Dow is up 1,021 points to all-time highs at this writing while oil is down $2 a barrel to $49.57 and gold is off $13 an ounce to $1,576. The 2-year Treasury yield has risen 8 basis points to 1.39%, the 10-year is up 6 basis points to 1.56% and the 30-year has added 4 basis points to yield 2.03%. 10-year Baa corporate bond yields have fallen 5 basis points to 3.36% while AAA municipal general obligation benchmarks are all up 3 basis points despite a record 57th straight week of fund inflows totaling $1.6 billion for the most recent period. The 2 year tax-exempt yield currently stands at 0.87%, the 10-year at 1.18% and the 30-year at 1.83%.

So far this month in the high yield municipal market, the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority sold $5.8 million of non-rated revenue bonds for a convention center hotel and demolition project that featured bonds with a three year maturity priced at 3.00% to yield 2.00%. Also on the $6.5 billion calendar last week, Burleigh County, North Dakota sold $22.5 million of non-rated revenue bond anticipation notes for Missouri Slope North Campus- SNF, LLC structured with non-rated bonds maturing in 21 months priced at par to yield 3.00%. The Public Finance Authority of Wisconsin came to market with a $21.5 million non-rated revenue bond issue for Woodland Place Senior Living in Spartanburg, South Carolina that had a single maturity in 2024 priced at 8.800% to yield 9.121%. The California School Finance Authority issued $19.3 million of non-rated bonds due in 40 years for the Alta Public Schools Obligated Group that came with a 6.00% coupon priced at par and the City of Minneapolis had an $8.6 million non-rated charter school lease revenue bond issue for Northeast College Prep structured with 2055 term bonds priced at 5.00% to yield 4.48%.

This week HJ Sims is in the market with a $28.6 million retirement facility revenue refunding bond issue for Morningside Ministries at the Meadows and at Menger Springs, Texas. The BB+ rated financing is being issued through the New Hope Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation. Among other financings on the $8.3 billion slate is a $25 million bond issues for the San Francisco Port Commission. The Maryland Economic Development Authority is bringing a $42.9 million BBB-minus rated student housing revenue bond issue for Bowie State University. The Arizona Industrial Development Authority has a $41.6 million BB+ rated financing for the Cadence Campus at Pinecrest Academy of Nevada. And Florida’s Capital Trust Agency plans a $34.8 million non-rated senior living revenue bond issue for Antares of Ormond Beach. The 30-day visible supply of munis totals $13.1 billion of which approximately 36% is expected to come as taxable bonds.

Markets are closed on Monday in commemoration of Presidents’ Day, and we are less than two weeks away from the HJ Sims Late Winter Conference. We invite all who have not yet confirmed your attendance to register and join us for our insightful CFO breakfasts and panels on topics ranging from strategies for stressed communities and those serving middle-income seniors to the future of medical cannabis. There will be an informative tour of La Vida Real and an unforgettable evening at the San Diego Zoo. We look forward to having you join us.