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Peter J. Dee, Jr. (PJ)

Vice President

Fairfield, CT
(203) 418-9078  x9078
(860) 214-3369  mobile

  • Financial Professional holding series 7, 63 licenses
  • Investment Advisor with Herbert J Sims Capital Management, an affiliate of Herbert J Sims. (series 65 license)
  • Joined HJ Sims in 2007
  • Specializes in fixed income investments
  • B.A. from Connecticut College

“I’m fortunate to have clients that are a pleasure to work with. They’ve worked hard to earn and save, and I make sure those savings work hard for them in return. They drive the process, and it’s my job to fully understand their goals and work together with them in constructing a strategy to achieve those goals, then implement that strategy.”

Capital Market Update

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