MHS’s Mennonite Health Assembly
HJ Sims is proud to be an MHS Supporter Sponsor.
Thought Leadership and Educational Session:
The Power of Innovative Senior Services Boards
Session Date & Time: Friday, March 25, 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Session Description: Not-for-profit senior living management teams expect their boards to be forward-thinking, strategic and innovative. Innovation at the board level is a function of various elements, including a defined strategic direction and best practices in place. So, what does an effective board look like? What are some tools boards can use to remain focused on their organizations’ mission? ? Does the board or management create the strategic plan?
Join Baker Tilly and HJ Sims, together with the Board Chair and Chief Operating Officer of Landis Communities, for an informative an interactive discussion that will explore elements of an innovative board although anyone is welcome.
- Learn the 12 principles of governance that power exceptional boards and how they can be applied to your organization.
- Gain and understanding of how to shift the board from crisis management back to strategic planning.
- Refresh your knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of governing boards, post-pandemic, and be able to share that wisdom with your board.
Featured Speakers:
- Lynn Daly, Executive Vice President, HJ Sims
- Beverly Asper, Baker Tilly
- Evon Bergey, Landis Communities
- Allon Lefever, Landis Communities
- Lynn Daly, Executive Vice President