Insights & Analysis
Our recognized credit analysis team evaluates primary and secondary issues to secure value and quality for clients.
Deep and Timely Insight
HJ Sims credit analysts review the spectrum of municipal and corporate credits to support the firm’s underwritings, primary offerings and secondary market trading. They incorporate their understanding of current events and industry dynamics into in-depth assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of specific investments.
Underwriting Transparency
Our borrowing and issuing clients commit to continuing public disclosure to bondholders. Post issuance, we track each of our financings via direct contact with project principals to monitor overall progress, fiscal health and covenant compliance.
Expert Commentary
Widely respected for their expertise in key credit sectors and topics, HJ Sims credit analysts publish Weekly Market Commentary for clients, staff, and industry colleagues. Regarded for expertise in key credit sectors and topics such as senior living, HJ Sims analysts often provide expert commentary to mainstream and trade media.
Secondary Market Analysis
The bonds we show to our investing clients are evaluated by our credit analysts for creditworthiness, and by our traders for price and yield. HJ Sims’ trading and wealth management team receive initial and updated credit analyses via proprietary systems.