Market Commentary: Consistency

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Edgerton “Ketchie” Welch, a lifelong resident of Chillicothe, Missouri began his career at his family’s Edge-Mar Dairy but later came to run the local Citizens Bank & Trust Co., serving for a total of 55 years. At various points in his role as CEO, he reported an investment performance that beat the nation’s biggest banks and insurance companies. When interviewed by Forbes on his exceptional success, he admitted that he was not smart enough to play the stock market and never even heard of modern portfolio theory.

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Market Commentary: Banking On It

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Recency bias is a term used in behavioral economics that describes the tendency of people to believe that recent events will occur again soon, that the current state of being will continue indefinitely, that headlines which feel ominous and immediate necessitate urgent action. Lacking the wider-angle lenses of history and mathematical probability, this type of bias affects trading and other short-term decisions that people make — panic selling, bubble buying – fueled by fear or greed in volatile moments.

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Market Commentary: Where Everyone Knows Your Name

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The Goosebumps books are written at a third to seventh grade reading level, unlike the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee which cater to the ivory tower crowd. They feature no violence or death, unlike the trade press which has been reporting on the past year’s devastating market losses in brutal detail, and the mainstream media which has documented pandemic casualties for the past three years. A common theme in Stine’s writing is the use of wit and imagination to escape horrendous situations. This is an approach that we all cling to in this second decade of the third millennium as we wrestle with all our grown-up fears.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Goosebumps

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The Goosebumps books are written at a third to seventh grade reading level, unlike the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee which cater to the ivory tower crowd. They feature no violence or death, unlike the trade press which has been reporting on the past year’s devastating market losses in brutal detail, and the mainstream media which has documented pandemic casualties for the past three years. A common theme in Stine’s writing is the use of wit and imagination to escape horrendous situations. This is an approach that we all cling to in this second decade of the third millennium as we wrestle with all our grown-up fears.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Measures of Wealth

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Wealth today is generally defined as the value of all assets of worth owned by a person, community, country or country. Back in the heyday of the pantheon of the Greek gods, wealth was largely measured in agricultural terms. Today, respondents in the latest annual Schwab modern wealth survey concluded that having a net worth of $1.9 million qualifies a person as wealthy. However, the top 1% of households by income lost almost 16% of their overall wealth from the fourth quarter of 2021 to the third quarter of 2022.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Super Roles

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In January 1969, the inflation rate was 4.4% and the unemployment rate fell to 3.4%. In the decades since, inflation has frequently fallen below 4%. Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke in his key role made 2% the official target in 2012. But we have not seen unemployment in the range of 3.4% in the last 54 years. Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy added a reported 517,000 jobs and that the number of jobless Americans as a percentage of the population fell to 3.4%.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Groundhogs and Canaries

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The first month of the New Year is already behind us and how fantastic it would be if we could keep the rally going at this pace for the rest of the year. Heading into Groundhog Day, we would welcome six more weeks, six more months of this performance with low volatility and strong returns. It certainly does not feel like we are about to enter into the recession that economists have threatened for more than a year.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Year of the Rabbit, Year of the Bond

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Some Asian markets are closed all this week for the Lunar New Year holiday. Sunday marked the first day of the Year of the Rabbit, said to be a symbol of happiness, prosperity, abundance, peace, elegance, and longevity. Our colleagues at MacKay Shields have also dubbed 2023 as “The Year of the Bond”, and it has indeed begun with rallies across corporate, government, and municipal markets.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Floors and Ceilings

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Markets around the world were stunned when the gold standard credit rating of the United States of America was downgraded by Standard & Poor’s from triple-A to AA+ after the close on Friday, August 5, 2011. S&P had issued a negative outlook in July after warning that failure to reach a sufficient compromise on slashing the deficit would risk this action. They boldly told the world that “the effectiveness, stability and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges”.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Adjusting the Sails

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This new year with its winds of change requires quite a bit of adjustment but, as with every new beginning, it brings a jolt of excitement, a yearning for change, for betterment. There may be worry but there is hope and underlying it all is our unquenchable American can-do spirit and drive. There are problems to solve and we will find the ways. We not only carry on, we prevail in new and challenging conditions.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Fireworks Greet 2023

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The New Year begins with fireworks on Capitol Hill as Members of the Senate celebrate their swearings-in to the 118th Congress while Members of the House, not yet sworn in, are still voting to select their new Speaker. At this writing, horses are being traded but the outcome remains something less than certain. Historians have dusted off record books dating back to the 34th Congress which saw the longest and perhaps most divisive contest for the Speaker’s gavel. It lasted from December 3, 1855 to February 2, 1856 and involved 21 candidates and 133 ballots.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: All is Calm, All is Bright?

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen appeared on 60 Minutes this past Sunday to present her views on the state of the U.S. economy, the risk of recession and the widespread costs of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Ending that war, she contended, would be the single best thing we can do for the global economy but, until then, the U.S. will continue to fund Ukraine for “as long as it takes”. As for America, the nation’s 78th Secretary presented a rather rosy outlook for the coming year, one in which, absent an unanticipated shock, inflation will be “much lower”.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Georgia On My Mind

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On Rolling Stone’s list of the greatest songs of all times, the Ray Charles version of “Georgia on My Mind” ranks as number 44. The soul singer known as Brother Ray was in fact a native of Georgia, born in 1930, the same year that Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell penned the lyrics. He recorded the classic tune thirty years later on his album The Genius Hits the Road and, in 1979, his rendition became the official state song of Georgia. The Peach State was the last of the original thirteen American colonies to be founded, the fourth state to enter the Union in 1788, the fifth to secede in 1861, and the last to be readmitted in 1870. This week, it is on the mind of millions of people around the world — not for its role as host of the Masters Tournament, or as the birthplace of the civil rights movement, the home of former president Jimmy Carter and baseball legend Ty Cobb — but in the political battle for a U.S. Senate seat and momentum going into the next cycle.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Kickoff

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The global population climbed to 8 billion people on Tuesday, November 15, according to the United Nations, up from 5.3 billion in 1990. More than half of us — an estimated 5 billion — from every nation, ethnicity, faith, age range, income level and occupation will watch some or most of the FIFA World Cup games during the 29 days of competition underway in Qatar. Not billions but millions of people around the world also tune in to the monthly press conferences held by Jerome Powell, the head of the U.S. central bank. These events are shorter in duration and much less exciting than the World Cup games but produce just as much if not more wagering.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Red, White, Black and Blue Confetti

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The 2024 presidential campaign season is off to a start already with Tuesday’s announcement by former president Donald J. Trump. The launch of his third bid for the Oval Office came just one week after the mid-term elections flipped the U.S. House to Republican rule by a slim margin but left the Senate under Democratic control, likely reliant once again upon Vice President Harris to cast tie-breaking votes depending on the outcome of the December 6 runoff in Georgia.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Numbers Count

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More than 18 million veterans who have served our country in the active military, naval or air service will be honored this week at parades, dinners, award ceremonies and other events commemorating their sacrifice and service. A grateful nation pauses once a year to thank all those who have defended our many freedoms — including the one we just exercised with spirit this week. An estimated 42 million early ballots were cast in the midterm elections and, by the time all the tallies are final, this could be the second midterm in a row where voters exceeded 100 million.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Cracking the Code

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Codes are, of course, absolutely critical to communication during times of war and, in modern military history, one that was never broken remains famous to this day. During World War II, Japanese cryptographers intercepted but were never able to decipher the messages sent by the U.S. Marine Navaho Code Talkers. The code was developed at Camp Elliott in San Diego in May 1942 by a small group of 29 Navajo men, some as young as 15, based on the complex, unwritten, verb-based Navaho (Diné) language. Although far from Window Rock, the Navajo Nation Capital, central bankers around the world have developed their own cryptic language that traders and investors struggle to decipher.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Carving Up the Markets

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In one old Irish folktale, one night on All Hallows’ Eve, Stingy Jack was quenching his thirst at a pub when he ran out of money to pay his tab. The Devil, seeing an opportunity, suddenly appeared. But wily Jack managed to turn the tables and trap the Devil not once but twice. The price for the Devil’s release was that he would leave Jack alone and never ever lay claim to his soul. When he died, he was sentenced to roam the earth for eternity with nothing more than a lantern made from a carved-out turnip to light his way. Folks terrified by the prospect of the wandering soul that came to be known as Jack O’Lantern, began carving scary faces out of turnips, potatoes and mangelwurzels, placing them in windows or near entryways to scare him away. Irish immigrants brought the practice to America, the world’s eighth largest pumpkin grower, and soon every October called for us to start carving jack-o-lanterns out of this plump, orange, easily carve-able fruit. Pumpkins go hand in hand with Halloween and Thanksgiving, and both holidays draw near. It is the season of plenty — plenty of inflation in food, bond yields, fund outflows, bearishness and fear of missing out

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Webs of Belief

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The total amount of data in the world as of 2020 was estimated to be 44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes, and every day since then we have created about 2.5 quintillion bytes more. So how do we handle this vast pool of information available to us, with more arriving constantly throughout the day and night? In order to be able to function amid all the information flow, we tend to create what some term a “web of belief”, a core logic, whether it is in fact logical or not. Many personal webs of belief have been completely altered during the pandemic. Those campaigning for public office count on many webs to be recast close to election day. It is happening again this year as voters have become laser focused on inflation, mortgage and interest rates, immigration, and crime, among other issues.

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HJ Sims Market Commentary: Warped and Twisted

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The Milky Way is vast: it may be one of trillions of galaxies in the universe, but it is about a thousand light years thick and stretching some 120,000 light years from end to end, holding every alien planet that our telescopes have ever spotted. To travel once around, it would take 250 million years. The Sun is based along one of its smaller arms about 26,000 light years from the turbulent core, which is packed with supermassive black holes. It has a thin, flat disk of gas and an unknown number of stars, some of which are believed to be 10 to 13 billion years old, in the middle. Near the edges, however, it appears rather sloppy, quite twisted and warped. In the financial markets these days, there is quite a lot that is warped, twisted and bubbly.

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